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Video interview with Dr. John Crabtree. While at Furman Dr. Crabtree served as a professor of English, Dean of Students, Chair of the English Department, Academic Dean, and Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean. Dr. Crabtree begins the interview talking about getting his job at Furman, and his arrival to the new campus in 1957. He gives a history of his different positions held at Furman, and speaks in detail about Francis Bonner and his legacy. Dr. Crabtree talks about his role in helping Furman obtain a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, changes in faculty and student rules over the years, curriculum reform in the 1960's, the development of Furman's Foreign Study Program, Rhodes Scholars, and the G.E. College Bowl. He praises Professor Willard Pate and Dr. Francis Bonner. Dr. Crabtree speaks of his biggest challenges and accomplishments as Dean, and gives his list of some of the great Furman Professors during his time. He addresses the highlights and controveries he faced as the Dean of Students. He discusses the different Furman presidents he worked with over the years, and closes the interview talking about Furman's hiring of Dr. David Shi as president of the university.
Scholarship Type
Faculty Scholarship
Publication Date
City and State
Greenville (S.C.)
Furman University; History; Oral histories; College administrators; College teachers
Recommended Citation
Crabtree, John Henry Jr. and Tollison, Courtney, "John Crabtree Oral History (2004)" (2004). Furman University Oral Histories. 28.
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