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Video interview with Dr. John Crabtree. While at Furman Dr. Crabtree served as a professor of English, Dean of Students, Chair of the English Department, Academic Dean, and Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean, and Professor Emeritus of English. Dr. John Crabtree, a graduate of UNC Chapel Hill, first came to Furman in 1957 as an Associate Professor of English. In this oral history Dr. Crabtree remembers the old Furman campus in downtown Greenville, SC. He describes the buildings where he taught, where his office was located, speaks of the architecture, the library, amphitheater, football stadium, etc. He speaks of his impression of the campus when he first arrived, the beauty of it, as well as it's conditions. He tells of where he lived when he began working at Furman. Dr. Crabtree also descibes his memory of the layout of the old downtown campus and how it relates to present day downtown Greenville.
Scholarship Type
Faculty Scholarship
Publication Date
City and State
Greenville (S.C.)
Furman University; History; Oral histories; College administrators; College teachers; Greenville (S.C)
Recommended Citation
Crabtree, John Henry and Surrett, Myles, "John Crabtree Oral History (2007)" (2007). Furman University Oral Histories. 29.
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