Video interview with Pam Shucker, writer, naturalist, science teacher, and 1969 graduate of Furman University. Pam is the wife of Dr. Harry Shucker, retired Vice President of Student Services at Furman. Dr. Harry Shucker is a 1966 Furman graduate. In this interview Mrs. Shucker discusses her past and present experiences at Furman. She talks about life as a Furman student in the late 1960's, discussing gender roles, how the campus was split, hall mothers, curfews, mandatory chapel, and the role of religion on campus at that time. Mrs. Shucker briefly touches on social issues during her student life such as the Vietnam War and the mandatory draft, civil rights, integration, and Furman's first African American student, Joe Vaughn, and what important roles L. D. Johnson and Ernie Harrill played at Furman in those years. She talks about some of Furman's student traditions, like Rat Court and being tossed in the lake. Mrs. Shucker also speaks about her life after graduation and the differences in the opportunities for women then and now.
Scholarship Type
Faculty Scholarship
Publication Date
City and State
Greenville (S.C.)
Furman University; History; Oral histories; Alumni and alumnae
Recommended Citation
Shucker, Pam, "Pam Shucker Oral History" (2006). Furman University Oral Histories. 38.
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