"Ralph S. Hendricks Oral History" by Ralph S. Hendricks and Courtney Tollison
Furman University Oral Histories
Ralph S. Hendricks Oral History

Streaming Media

Ralph S. Hendricks Oral History


Audio interview with Ralph S. Hendricks, Simpsonville philanthropist, former mayor, and Furman trustee emeritus. Mr. Hendricks started the Ralph and Virginia Hendricks Foundation to provide scholarships for Hillcrest High and Woodmont High students, and Furman awarded Mr. Hendricks with an honorary Doctor of Humanities degree in 2000. Mr. Hendricks begins the inteview with a brief overview of his life and how he came to upstate South Carolina, as well as his life in business. He talks of becoming a Furman trustee in 1988, and his early experiences on the Board, and the split between Furman and the South Carolina Baptist Convention. Mr. Hendricks speaks of President Johns and President Shi, details how the trustees work, and gives his thoughts on Furman football. He discusses the construction of the Younts building and moving Cherrydale. Mr. Hendricks concludes the interview talking about the history of his foundation.

Scholarship Type

Faculty Scholarship

Publication Date


City and State

Simpsonville (S.C.)


Furman University; History; Oral histories; College trustees


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Ralph S. Hendricks Oral History
