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Saturday, April 2nd
9:00 AM

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation: Pre-Clinical

Harmanpreet Pelia

HSS 203

9:00 AM

Academic Magnet High School

Physiology and Health


9:15 AM

Cold Sore Coverage: Herp-Be-Gone

Logan Hazel

HSS 205

9:15 AM

Center for Advanced Technical Studies

Physiology and Health


Correlation and inquiry between critically ill coronavirus patients and secondary infections

Joshua Morton

HSS 203

9:15 AM

Chapin High School

Physiology and Health


9:30 AM

MoJoint: A Software for Motion Visualization and Analysis

Angela Mei

HSS 203

9:30 AM

Academic Magnet High School

Physiology and Health


Muscle Group Exercise Codex

Alexander Taylor

HSS 205

9:30 AM

Center for Advanced Technical Studies

Physiology and Health


9:45 AM

Modification of Lovastatin to Expand Selectivity to MMP-9 for the Treatment of Fragile X Syndrome

Mia Kim

HSS 203

9:45 AM

South Carolina Governor's School for Science and Mathematics

Physiology and Health


STDs: Teenage Awareness of a Stigmatized Disease

Nyaveia Creech

HSS 205

9:45 AM

Center for Advanced Technical Studies

Physiology and Health


10:00 AM

Alleviating Symptoms of Depression by Increasing Levels of Serotonin

Tomiah Berry

HSS 205

10:00 AM

Center for Advanced Technical Studies

Physiology and Health


10:45 AM

The Effect of Length of Mixed Sports Training and Length of Dance Training on Proprioceptive Balance Ability in Healthy Teens and Adults

Sara "Kate" Weiss

HSS 205

10:45 AM

Spring Valley High School

Physiology and Health


11:00 AM

The Effects of a Tear Gas Launcher on the Lower Abdomen of the Human Body

Eamon Wood

HSS 205

11:00 AM

Spring Valley High School

Physiology and Health


11:15 AM

The Effects of the Amount of Short-term Exercise on the Diaphragmatic Breathing Rate Over Wind Instruments.

Lyn Yu

HSS 205

11:15 AM

Spring Valley High School

Physiology and Health


11:30 AM

The Role of Timing of Dim Artificial Light at Night (dALAN) on the Weight of Mus musculus

Stephanie Babinec

HSS 205

11:30 AM

Spring Valley High School

Physiology and Health


11:45 AM

A Comparison of Gaming Platform Exercise versus Traditional Exercise

Logan Kelly

HSS 205

11:45 AM

Spring Valley High School

Physiology and Health


9:00 PM

Eating Disorders in High School Equestrian Athletes

Abby Bauknight


9:00 PM

Chapin High School

Physiology and Health


Weight cuts in wrestling: hydration and mental health

Mathew Gummere


9:00 PM

Chapin High School

Physiology and Health
