Easy Up
School Name
Center for Advanced Technical Studies
Grade Level
11th Grade
Presentation Topic
Presentation Type
Oral Presentation Award
1st Place
45.5 million Americans have mobility disabilities primarily due to either being overweight or elderly. Many with limited mobility who can afford a lift chair purchase one which shows that this is a desire from the mobility-impaired population; however, this is not only expensive but it's also a stationary solution. Our solution to this problem will be a portable sit-down walker. The walker functions with the frame commonly seen in most walkers with the addition of handles and a seat that can lift the user with ease. This will be accomplished by pushing the bottom of the seat up in a way that mirrors the natural movement of the hips when standing. The seat is hinged to the front of the walker's frame that in combination with the electric piston below the seat pushes the user up at the press of a button. Our primary goal with this solution is to help people who struggle with a mobility impairment that can not get up from or down to a seated position easily, our secondary goal for this solution is to prevent people's mobility issues from worsening due to lack of movement. We hope that our solution will restore mobility in all users because mobility is a major factor in lifespan due to the major effects loss of mobility has on physical and mental health.
Recommended Citation
Riddle, Ryan; Folding, Joseph; and Burge, Tristan, "Easy Up" (2023). South Carolina Junior Academy of Science. 55.
BS 329
Start Date
3-25-2023 9:00 AM
Presentation Format
Oral Only
Group Project
Easy Up
BS 329
45.5 million Americans have mobility disabilities primarily due to either being overweight or elderly. Many with limited mobility who can afford a lift chair purchase one which shows that this is a desire from the mobility-impaired population; however, this is not only expensive but it's also a stationary solution. Our solution to this problem will be a portable sit-down walker. The walker functions with the frame commonly seen in most walkers with the addition of handles and a seat that can lift the user with ease. This will be accomplished by pushing the bottom of the seat up in a way that mirrors the natural movement of the hips when standing. The seat is hinged to the front of the walker's frame that in combination with the electric piston below the seat pushes the user up at the press of a button. Our primary goal with this solution is to help people who struggle with a mobility impairment that can not get up from or down to a seated position easily, our secondary goal for this solution is to prevent people's mobility issues from worsening due to lack of movement. We hope that our solution will restore mobility in all users because mobility is a major factor in lifespan due to the major effects loss of mobility has on physical and mental health.