How Many Ways Can 8 Dice Be Arranged Using 4 Colors?
School Name
James Island Charter High School
Grade Level
11th Grade
Presentation Topic
Presentation Type
How many ways can eight dice be arranged using four colors without counting inverses? An inverse is the flipping of the pattern so the color of dice one becomes the color for dice eight, the color of two becomes the color for seven, the color of three becomes the color of six, the color of four becomes the color for five, the color of five becomes the color for four, the color of six becomes the color for three, and the color for eight becomes the color for one. An example is G, Y, R, B, Y, B, G, R is the same as R, G, B, Y, B, R, Y, G. We first approached this question by breaking it down to four dice and four colors and drawing all possible arrangements. Once we had the number for this question, we were able to formulate an equation what would solve for eight dice and and four colors. This equation lead us to ask what would happen if there were n number of dice and four colors. Finally we created a true generalized equation by replacing the four colors with A colors.
Recommended Citation
Smith, Virginia Rhett, "How Many Ways Can 8 Dice Be Arranged Using 4 Colors?" (2024). South Carolina Junior Academy of Science. 429.
RITA 273
Start Date
3-23-2024 11:00 AM
Presentation Format
Oral and Written
Group Project
How Many Ways Can 8 Dice Be Arranged Using 4 Colors?
RITA 273
How many ways can eight dice be arranged using four colors without counting inverses? An inverse is the flipping of the pattern so the color of dice one becomes the color for dice eight, the color of two becomes the color for seven, the color of three becomes the color of six, the color of four becomes the color for five, the color of five becomes the color for four, the color of six becomes the color for three, and the color for eight becomes the color for one. An example is G, Y, R, B, Y, B, G, R is the same as R, G, B, Y, B, R, Y, G. We first approached this question by breaking it down to four dice and four colors and drawing all possible arrangements. Once we had the number for this question, we were able to formulate an equation what would solve for eight dice and and four colors. This equation lead us to ask what would happen if there were n number of dice and four colors. Finally we created a true generalized equation by replacing the four colors with A colors.