Furman University Scholar Exchange - South Carolina Junior Academy of Science: Object Detection for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Object Detection for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles


Chloe ZhuFollow

School Name

South Carolina Governor's School for Science and Mathematics

Grade Level

12th Grade

Presentation Topic

Computer Science

Presentation Type



The rise in computer-vision-related tasks in recent years calls for further development and research in object detection and its various applications across different fields of study. Object Detection typically refers to three primary tasks: detection, localization, and classification. This study focuses on training the YOLOv7 object detection model to detect objects along railways for railway maintenance using drones. For the study, the website “Roboflow” was used to gather and annotate 700 images of objects scattered along railways for the dataset. After implementing the YOLOv7 commands in the terminal, the algorithm splits the data into three folders for training, validation, and testing. After 28 hours of training, the results indicated that the algorithm was efficient in detecting, localizing, and classifying the objects. One issue with the results is with the validation objectness data, in which the inaccuracy rate increases as the number of epochs increases. In consequence, the algorithm struggled to box in the object in the validation dataset accurately. One cause could be the size of the dataset; with more training, the validation objectness inaccuracy rate should go down. Overall, the results indicate a successful training of the algorithm. In the future, new datasets can be trained by researchers or engineers for other applications relating to environmental conservation or security surveillance.


RITA 273

Start Date

3-23-2024 9:30 AM

Presentation Format

Oral Only

Group Project


Mar 23rd, 9:30 AM

Object Detection for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

RITA 273

The rise in computer-vision-related tasks in recent years calls for further development and research in object detection and its various applications across different fields of study. Object Detection typically refers to three primary tasks: detection, localization, and classification. This study focuses on training the YOLOv7 object detection model to detect objects along railways for railway maintenance using drones. For the study, the website “Roboflow” was used to gather and annotate 700 images of objects scattered along railways for the dataset. After implementing the YOLOv7 commands in the terminal, the algorithm splits the data into three folders for training, validation, and testing. After 28 hours of training, the results indicated that the algorithm was efficient in detecting, localizing, and classifying the objects. One issue with the results is with the validation objectness data, in which the inaccuracy rate increases as the number of epochs increases. In consequence, the algorithm struggled to box in the object in the validation dataset accurately. One cause could be the size of the dataset; with more training, the validation objectness inaccuracy rate should go down. Overall, the results indicate a successful training of the algorithm. In the future, new datasets can be trained by researchers or engineers for other applications relating to environmental conservation or security surveillance.