No Title.
Newspaper Title
New-York Daily Tribune
Publication Date
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New York, New York
Event Topic
John Brown
Political Party
free state
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A most extraordinary telegraphic bulletin startled the whole country yesterday -- one importing that an Insurrection had just broken out at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, and that it was the work of negroes and Abolitionists!
Document Type
Article (Journal or Newsletter)
Full Text Transcription
A most extraordinary telegraphic bulletin startledthe whole country yesterday -- one importing thatan Insurrection had just broken out at Harper'sFerry, Virginia, and that it was the work of negroesand Abolitionists! That some sort of adisturbance has taken place in that locality is manifest;for it seems that the telegraphic wires are brokenat that point, and the running of the trains on theBaltimore and Ohio Railroad interrupted; but, asnegroes are not abundant in that part of Virginia,while no Abolitionists were ever known to peep inthat quarter, we believe the nature of the affairmust be grossly misapprehended. Possibly, aconsiderable body of runaway slaves from Virginia havebeen stopped when attempting to cross the Potomacnear Harper's Ferry, and this may have brought ona fight in which the fugitives obtained a temporaryadvantage; whereupon they cut the wires andstopped the trains to insure themselves a starton their course toward the North Star. If anysuch party has made a stand at that point, theywill of course be crushed out at once; as a largeforce went down by train from Baltimore yesterdayafternoon, while President Buchanan and Gov.Wise are both preparing to hurl their thunders atthe rebels. We suspect, however, that the natureof the trouble is misapprehended and its importanceat the same time exaggerated.
Edited/Proofed by
Entered by Lloyd Benson. Proofed by Lloyd Benson
Recommended Citation
"No Title." (1859). Secession Era Newspaper Editorials. 138.
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No Title.
A most extraordinary telegraphic bulletin startled the whole country yesterday -- one importing that an Insurrection had just broken out at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, and that it was the work of negroes and Abolitionists!