Newspaper Title
New-York Daily Tribune
Publication Date
Publication Place
New York, New York
Event Topic
Nebraska Bill (Jan-May 1854)
Political Party
free state
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he contest has begun on that infamous measure.
Document Type
Article (Journal or Newsletter)
Full Text Transcription
Our dispatches from Washington last night show that the contest has begun on that infamous measure. We rejoice to see the spirit and determination with which its opponents enter upon the task of strangling the monster. Let them but go on as they have begun, and they will secure the plaudits and fervent gratitude of millions. As to the hesitation of the Free Soil members to unite with the northern Whigs, as alleged by our correspondent, we cannot believe it. Mr. Gerrit Smith's peculiar mental idiosyncracies may prevent him from cooperating in necessary measures of opposition, but we cannot believe it of any man of hard sense in the House who really desires to defeat the scroundrel scheme. We beg to know why this measure should not be referred to THE PEOPLE! Are its authors afraid of this tribunal? To refer it to them is the object, and the sole object, of the minority in their present struggle. Why should it not be done? Answer us, ye who counsel admission to the unholy conspiracy against freedom by Douglas & Co.
Edited/Proofed by
entered by Jeff Bollerman, Proofed by Lloyd Benson
Recommended Citation
"THE NEBRASKA SWINDLE." (1854). Secession Era Newspaper Editorials. 173.
This item is in the public domain, and can be used by anyone without restriction.
Event Location
he contest has begun on that infamous measure.