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Newspaper Title

New-Haven Daily Register

Publication Date


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New Haven, Connecticut

Event Topic

Nebraska Bill (Jan-May 1854)

Political Party



free state


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Whiggery lives upon such excitements.

Document Type

Article (Journal or Newsletter)

Full Text Transcription

[pointing finger] The whig legislatures of New York and Massachusetts have adopted resolutions against the Nebraska Bill. That's perfectly consistent with whiggery; perfectly in character. At heart, abolitionists -- the federal, or whig party would not be faithful to its antecedents , nor its principles (or rather want of principles)if it did not oppose the Nebraska bill, which gives to its inhabitants the right to frame their own laws. This is not a palatable doctrine to whiggery -- hence the denunciations of the whig and abolition press. The Whig convention which meets in this city to-morrow, will probably follow in the footsteps ofMassachusetts, and New York. All the opponents of the Compromise of 1850, will be opposed to the faithful carrying out of its principles, as embodied in the Nebraska bill. Whiggery lives upon such excitements. -- Whigs have always been noted for kicking up a dust on every important measure of the Democratic party; but from their first panic, in the days of Andrew Jackson, what has their noise and opposition amounted to, with the people? Just nothing - and so it will be in this case. A ginger pop explosion, and all will be over.

Edited/Proofed by

Entered by Lloyd Benson. Proofed by Lloyd Benson




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Whiggery lives upon such excitements.