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Ohio State Journal

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Columbus, Ohio

Event Topic

Sumner Caning

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free state


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[Pointing Finger] The reader will not fail to look at the Telegraphic head for the latest news from Washington.

Document Type

Article (Journal or Newsletter)

Full Text Transcription

[Pointing Finger] The reader will not fail to look at the Telegraphic head for the latest news from Washington. Both the House and the Senate seem to be awakened to the necessity of doing something to avert the public indignation, although in the House, it will be seen, the Slaveholders -- as in the case of Herbert for murdering the Irish servant -- tried to dodge the inquiry proposed by Mr. Campbell's resolution. In the Senate, it will be noticed, the committee was appointed by ballot, and Gen. Cass, who had just exhibited himself in hostility to Mr. Sumner, being made chairman. If he has any sense of decency remaining in his dotage he will decline.

We hear of threats, but of no farther actual attempt at murder, on the part of Members of Congress, than those already chronicled. To match the violence in Kansas, there should be a continuance of the bloody tragedy at Washington.

The Statesman is dumb over these outrages. Does it approve of them?

Edited/Proofed by

Entered by Lloyd Benson. Proofed by Katie DeLong




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[Pointing Finger] The reader will not fail to look at the Telegraphic head for the latest news from Washington.