The Iniquity to be Consummated.


Newspaper Title

Morning Herald

Publication Date


Publication Place

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Event Topic

Nebraska Bill (Jan-May 1854)

Political Party



free state


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It is now reduced to a certainty that the Nebraskabill, which is repudiated by every honest man, and whose author's name is execrated from Canadato Cuba, will pass Congress.

Document Type

Article (Journal or Newsletter)

Full Text Transcription

It is now reduced to a certainty that the Nebraskabill, which is repudiated by every honest man, andwhose author's name is execrated from Canadato Cuba, will pass Congress. Well, if the billmust pass, let its authors pass it -- let the iniquitybe consummated. We have some consolation inthe belief that reaction will soon follow, and justiceand freedom have their revenge on the traitorswho now so arrogantly despise the will of thepeople. All faith in compromises will bedissipated, when the signature of President Pierce isattached to the bill; and then will come the tug ofwar between the northern love of liberty, and thesupremacy of Southern slavery. Then it will bedetermined whether the Southern aristocracy andtheir chattels, or the Northern people with theirplows, hatchets and rifles will occupy the westernwilderness; and whether freedom or slavery shallbecome the basis of American civilization.

Edited/Proofed by

Entered by Lloyd Benson. Proofed by Katie DeLong




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The Iniquity to be Consummated.

It is now reduced to a certainty that the Nebraskabill, which is repudiated by every honest man, and whose author's name is execrated from Canadato Cuba, will pass Congress.