Furman University Scholar Exchange - Secession Era Newspaper Editorials: The Insurrection

The Insurrection


Newspaper Title

Charleston Mercury

Publication Date


Publication Place

Charleston, South Carolina

Event Topic

John Brown

Political Party



slave state


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It is a warning profoundly symptomatic of the future of the Union with our sectional enemies.

Document Type

Article (Journal or Newsletter)

Full Text Transcription

From the accounts given of the Harper's Ferry business, it would seem that it was concocted two months since at the Ohio State Fair, by Brown and other confederates, and that its object was to raise the slaves in that country, kill all persons interferring or in the way, and carry them off to freedom north of the Mason and Dixon's line. The number of whites directly concerned-- only twenty-three-- is small for the great preparations made in arms and ammunition. It is stated that recruits from the North were expected, but did not arrive in time, Brown having been precipitate in his movement. Three of the whites are said to have escaped with four hundred negros.

As we anticipated, the affair, in its magnitude, was quite exaggerated; but it fully establishes the fact that there are at the North men ready to engage in adventures upon the peace and security of the southern people, however heinously and recklessly, and capable of planning and keeping secret their infernal designs. It is a warning profoundly symptomatic of the future of the Union with our sectional enemies.

Edited/Proofed by

Entered by Ben Barnhill, Proofed by Ryan Burgess




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Event Location


The Insurrection

It is a warning profoundly symptomatic of the future of the Union with our sectional enemies.
