Nebraska in the Senate.


Newspaper Title

Daily Pittsburgh Gazette

Publication Date


Publication Place

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Event Topic

Nebraska Bill (Jan-May 1854)

Political Party



free state


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This is Slavery fairly developed. Like Catholicism, it cannot bear discussion.

Document Type

Article (Journal or Newsletter)

Full Text Transcription

The debate onthe Nebraska bill was opened in the Senate byMr. Douglas, on Monday last. The speech isreported in full in the Eastern papers. It wasinsolent and bullying in its tone, coarse in itsinvective, and contemptible in its argument. Itwas probably the best that its author could do,under the circumstances; but that only showshow weak is the cause of which he undertakesthe championship. Men who have a good measureto advocate do not usually open theiradvocacy of it by lavishing coarse abuse andinsulting epithets on its opponents; and in thusdistinguishing his leadership on this question,Mr. Douglas betrays his own sense of itsinherent wickedness. His ill-humor, moreover,would seem to indicate a consciousness of itsfailing prospects.

The Eastern and Southern papers, in theinterest of this new inroad upon the rights of theNorth, betray their appreciation of fair dealing,by publishing Mr. Douglas' speech in full, andwithholding all notice of the replies of Messrs.Chase and Sumner. This is Slavery fairlydeveloped. Like Catholicism, it cannot beardiscussion. It shrinks from the light with as stronga disrelish for it as owls and bats. The verybitterness of intolerance is concentrated in thisact of suppressing the arguments of those towhom the Slavery party is opposed.

The replies of Messrs. Chase and Sumner toMr. Douglas had reference only to the personalattacks made on them by the puny Senator fromIllinois. Their answers were firm and determined,but dignified. They could not sink thegentleman in the controversialist, as Mr. Douglasdid. Respect for themselves and theirconstituency, as well as their own inherent sense ofpropriety, restrained them from bandying fish-marketepithets with one who seemed to lack allsuch requisites.

The further debate on the bill will no doubt beof exceeding interest. The friends of the bill, itis said, do not intend to discuss it, but expect, byremaining silent, to hurry a vote on it. Delaysare dangerous to them. They cannot succeed inthis, however. There are enough opponents ofthe scheme in the Senate to occupy a week ortwo in speaking against it, and it will not bepossible to let their charges and arguments gounanswered. Mr. Badger, and other SouthernSenators, will explain fully the view which theytake of the Nebraska bill as a violation of a mostsolemn compact, and a disregard of the plightedfaith of the nation. Mr. Houston, also, willoppose it, as a violation of Indian treaties. Itwould be vain to try to keep silence against sucharguments.

Edited/Proofed by

Entered by Lloyd Benson.




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Nebraska in the Senate.

This is Slavery fairly developed. Like Catholicism, it cannot bear discussion.