Remove the Capitol
Newspaper Title
Daily Pittsburgh Gazette
Publication Date
Publication Place
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Event Topic
Sumner Caning
Political Party
free state
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The seat of the National government should be where freedom of speech can safely be tolerated
Document Type
Article (Journal or Newsletter)
Full Text Transcription
Since the scenes ofviolence which have characterized the presentCongress, tacitly encouraged as they have beenby the people and authorities of Washingtoncity, the desire is growing in the North to havethe Capitol removed; and the late brutalassault upon Mr. Sumner, ending in the semi-assassin being held to bail in the paltry sum of$500, the desire has broken out late a generaldemand, which will sooner or later be heard. -- The seat of the National government should bewhere freedom of speech can safely be tolerated,where men can traverse the streets with somedegree of personal security and wheremurderers and cowardly cut-throats cannot run atlarge to frighten day and night from theirpropriety. This cannot be had at WashingtonCity. Free speech is not allowed there, andNorthern men who stand up there for the rightsof the people, do it with vision of bludgeonsand bowie knives dancing before their eyes. --The northern Senator who does his duty thereis beaten within an inch of his life, and theCongressional assailant goes free; the editor whospeaks his mind is brutally knocked down, andthe member of the House who assaults him goesunpunished; and another member, who bearsupon his hands the stains of murder, passesunrebuked by his colleagues and finds hisoffence palliated by the ministers of the law. Itis plain, therefore, that Washington City is notthe place for the capitol of a great, manly,republican nation. The seat of government mustbe removed. There is an abundance of placesin the heart of the free west, where all whohave occasion to visit the capitol will be securein life and limb, where men of all sections willbe free to discuss all questions without therestraint of bodily fear, and where prisons areprovided for murderers and bullies. The Capitolmust be removed, or else cease to become acity of refuge to murderers and cowardlyassailants of defenceless men.
Edited/Proofed by
Entered by Nicole Pascoe
Recommended Citation
"Remove the Capitol" (1856). Secession Era Newspaper Editorials. 227.
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Event Location
Remove the Capitol
The seat of the National government should be where freedom of speech can safely be tolerated