Newspaper Title
Carolina Spartan
Publication Date
Publication Place
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Event Topic
Sumner Caning
Political Party
slave state
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These gallant gentlemen have done nothing justifying the action of the House, and their constituents will send them back strengthened to battle with the hosts of Black Republicanism
Document Type
Article (Journal or Newsletter)
Full Text Transcription
Messrs. Brooks and Keitt, Representatives on Congress from South Carolina, have resigned their seats in consequence of the arbitrary action of the House in endeavoring by a sectional vote to expel the former, and passing upon the latter severe censure for not betraying the counsels of his friend as to the assault upon Sumner. All the facts will be found in another section of our paper. The Carolina Times says that Governor Adams has designated the 28th instant as the day for holding elections to fill the vacancies.
Several of the papers of the State affect surprise at the course of our Representatives. We feel none. It is the usual resort, and is an appeal from the factionalism of Congress to the deliberation of constituents. If these gentlemen have been guilty of the heinous offences alleged against them, let the people approve or else disprove, the action of the House. In South Carolina, however, there is but one voice. These gallant gentlemen have done nothing justifying the action of the House, and their constituents will send them back strengthened to battle with the hosts of Black Republicanism and the enemies of the Union. No man dare oppose either and hope political life. The vote for re-election will be unanimous in each Congressional District, and would be in the State, were the choice dependent on the general ticket system. South Carolina never deserts the sons who battle in her defence.
Edited/Proofed by
Entered and proofed by Lloyd Benson.
Recommended Citation
"RESIGNATION OF BROOKS AND KEITT." (1856). Secession Era Newspaper Editorials. 265.
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These gallant gentlemen have done nothing justifying the action of the House, and their constituents will send them back strengthened to battle with the hosts of Black Republicanism