Furman University Scholar Exchange - Secession Era Newspaper Editorials: True.



Newspaper Title

Vermont Patriot & State Gazette

Publication Date


Publication Place

Montpelier, Vermont

Event Topic

Sumner Caning

Political Party



free state


Please Note: Some editorials in this collection contain offensive language, opinions, and other content. The editorials serve as evidence of the time period in which they were created and enable us to engage in more truthful conversations about history. The views expressed in these editorials do not reflect Furman University's values or our commitment to embrace meaningful diversity and equality in all of our endeavors. If you have questions or concerns, please e-mail digitalcollections@furman.edu.


no portion of our people seem to be so much pleased with the Sumner row and the Kansas troubles as our fusion abolitionists

Document Type

Article (Journal or Newsletter)

Full Text Transcription

-- The N. H. Democrat says, what is true of our opponents here as well as elsewhere, that "no portion of our people seem to be so much pleased with the Sumner row and the Kansas troubles as our fusion abolitionists. If Sumner had been killed it would have suited them better. They ought to send a fighting man out to cane Brooks. But their favorite idea is to stand at a distance and talk big, and pass wordy resolutions to make political capital here. -- It is not slavery in Kansas which troubles them. The spoils of office is what they are looking after."

Edited/Proofed by

Entered by reverse-order proofed by Lloyd Benson.




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Event Location



no portion of our people seem to be so much pleased with the Sumner row and the Kansas troubles as our fusion abolitionists
