Newspaper Title
Illinios State Journal
Publication Date
Publication Place
Springfield, Illinois
Event Topic
Dred Scott
Political Party
free state
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The last thing we should anticipate from our Southern brethren would be a self-reproach that they had not been true to themselves
Document Type
Article (Journal or Newsletter)
Full Text Transcription
-- The last thing we should anticipate from our Southern brethren would be a self-reproach that they had not been true to themselves. but such is the opinion of the Charleston Mercury. that paper says:
"if we ever save ourselves -- if we ever establish firmly the institution of Slavery beyond question at the South -- it will be by acting independently of both these allies. the Slavery party at the North has gone down for the want of efficient support at the South."
"If we ever establish the institution of Slavery beyond question at the South," is decidedly good. the Mercury will probably feel assured that Slavery is tolerably well established at the South, and everywhere else, when it bears of the decision of the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott case.
Edited/Proofed by
Entered by Beatrice Burton. Proofed by James Cash
Recommended Citation
"Southern Confidence." (1857). Secession Era Newspaper Editorials. 301.
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Southern Confidence.
The last thing we should anticipate from our Southern brethren would be a self-reproach that they had not been true to themselves