Furman University Scholar Exchange - Secession Era Newspaper Editorials: From the St. Louis Evening News: A Difference of Opinions


Newspaper Title

Illinios State Journal

Publication Date


Publication Place

Springfield, Illinois

Event Topic

Sumner Caning

Political Party



free state


Please Note: Some editorials in this collection contain offensive language, opinions, and other content. The editorials serve as evidence of the time period in which they were created and enable us to engage in more truthful conversations about history. The views expressed in these editorials do not reflect Furman University's values or our commitment to embrace meaningful diversity and equality in all of our endeavors. If you have questions or concerns, please e-mail digitalcollections@furman.edu.


On the whole the Mercury concludes that the negro demonstration is a "spectacle as disgusting as it is novel -- offensive to every sentiment of South Carolina society, and calculated to bring ridicule and disgrace upon the whole movement." We think so, too.

Document Type

Article (Journal or Newsletter)

Full Text Transcription

It seems that even the slaves of Columbia, South Carolina, have, like their better, taken it upon themselves to embody their approbation of Brooks' assault on Sumner in a testimonial to be presented to the chivalrous assaultant. The South Carolinian, published at Columbia, alluding to the public demonstration by the white folks, of approval of Brooks' conduct, winds up as follows:

"And, to add the crowning glory to the good work, the slaves of Columbia have already a handsome subscription, and will present an appropriate token of their regard to him who has made the first practical issue for their preservation and protection in their rights and enjoyments as the happiest laborers on the face of the globe."

This don't suit the Charleston Mercury at all. that strict disciplinarian is horrified at what its Columbia contemporary exults at, and ejaculates its disapprobation of the darkies' movement in a very pertinent manner. "Was the like," asks the Mercury, "ever before published in a newspaper of South Carolina? if our slaves can publicly congratulate, may they not publicly condemn? and if one portion are permitted to laud Mr. Brooks , why not another, if disposed, sympathize with Mr. Sumner?"

On the whole the Mercury concludes that the negro demonstration is a "spectacle as disgusting as it is novel -- offensive to every sentiment of South Carolina society, and calculated to bring ridicule and disgrace upon the whole movement." We think so, too.

Edited/Proofed by

Entered by Beatrice Burton. Proofed by James Cash




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Event Location


From the St. Louis Evening News: A Difference of Opinions

On the whole the Mercury concludes that the negro demonstration is a "spectacle as disgusting as it is novel -- offensive to every sentiment of South Carolina society, and calculated to bring ridicule and disgrace upon the whole movement." We think so, too.
