Article Title

Mr. Harris' Speech.--


Newspaper Title

New-Orleans Bee

Publication Date


Publication Place

New Orleans, Louisiana

Event Topic

Nebraska Bill (Jan-May 1854)

Political Party



slave state


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The Washington correspondent of the New York Express says:

Document Type

Article (Journal or Newsletter)

Full Text Transcription

The Washington correspondent of the New York Express says: "The speech of Mr. Harris, aMississippi Democrat, against the Nebraska bill staggers the supporters of that measure to no ordinary extent. The speech was humorous and witty to a high degree, and completely destroyed the effect of the speech of Mr. Phillips, which preceded it."

We understand the course of Mr. H has produced much surprise inMississippi. During the tendency of the Compromise measures, and after their adoption, he fought by the side of Quitman and Davis, and was classed among the most resolute of the "fire-eaters." What effect his speech will have upon his popularity with the people of his own District, remains to be seen. They are most truculent and dyed-in the wool Democrats. Mark and brand any thing as a Democratic measure, and they will go for it regardless of principle or consequences, and it is downright treason in their representative to offer objection, much less oppose it. In such cases arguments have no weight with them. Their representative has opposed, for the nonce, what is termed a "Democratic measure," and the cry at once goes forth: "Crucify him! Crucify him!" Whether Mr. H is to be nailed to the cross of political martyrdom, because of his patriotic course in reference to the Nebraska bill, the future must develop. We shall see.

Edited/Proofed by

Entered by Lloyd Benson. Proofed by Katie DeLong




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Event Location


Mr. Harris' Speech.--

The Washington correspondent of the New York Express says: