Furman University Scholar Exchange - Secession Era Newspaper Editorials: The Sumner Assault


Newspaper Title


Publication Date


Publication Place

Baltimore, Maryland

Event Topic

Sumner Caning

Political Party



slave state


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Mr. Brooks, of S. C., has been burned in effigy at Cambridge, Mass..

Document Type

Article (Journal or Newsletter)

Full Text Transcription

Mr. Brooks, of S. C., has been burned in effigy at Cambridge, Mass.. The Connecticut Legislature has adopted resolutions calling for the expulsion of Mr. B. from the House of Representatives. In theMassachusetts House of Representatives on the 26th ult.a resolution was introduced instructing the Adjutant General of the State to furnish each of their Senators and Representatives in Congress two of Colt's six barrel revolvers. If, instead of revolvers, they were furnished with broad national views, and good common sense, unmixed with fanaticism and narrow-minded bigotry, it would be far better for themselves, and redound to the honor of the State ofMassachusetts.

>Mr. Brooks, it will be seen by the Congressional report of yesterday, is now as it were formally arraigned before the bar of the House of Representatives for his assault on Senator Sumner, while at the same time he has sent a letter to the Senate making a disclaimer of any intention to offend against its privileges, as, in inflicting punishment upon Mr. Sumner when the body was not in session, he did not suppose he would be committing any breach of privilege. The majority of the House committee recommend Mr. Brooks' immediate expulsion, and express disapprobation of the acts of Henry A. Edmundson, of Va., and Lawrence M. Keitt, of South Carolina, who, having knowledge of the intended assault, "took no measures to discourage or prevent the same."

Edited/Proofed by

Entered by Lloyd Benson. Proofed by Beatrice Burton




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Event Location


The Sumner Assault

Mr. Brooks, of S. C., has been burned in effigy at Cambridge, Mass..
