No Title.
Newspaper Title
Boston Atlas
Publication Date
Publication Place
Boston, Massachusetts
Event Topic
Sumner Caning
Political Party
free state
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the mouths of the representatives of the North are to be closed by the use of bowie-knives, bludgeons, and revolvers.
Document Type
Article (Journal or Newsletter)
Full Text Transcription
[Pointing Finger] Hon. Charles Sumner, one of the Senators of Massachusetts, was yesterday brutally assaulted by a ruffian named Brooks, who represents South Carolina in the lower House. Those who know Mr. Sumner will readily believe that nothing in his conduct or conversation could have provoked the outrage, and that it must be attributed to the bold and vigorous demonstration of the Kansas inequity, which he has just uttered in the Senate. The reign of terror, then, is to be transferred to Washington, and the mouths of the representatives of the North are to be closed by the use of bowie-knives, bludgeons, and revolvers. Very well; the sooner we understand this the better. If violence must come, we shall know how to defend ourselves. We hope, for the credit of the State, that every man in it will feel this outrage upon Mr. Sumner as a personal indignity, no less than an insult to the Commonwealth ofMassachusetts, and that there will be such a general and spontaneous expression of opinion, as will fully manifest our deep disinclination to submit to any repetition of the contumely.
Edited/Proofed by
Entered and reverse-order proofed by Lloyd Benson.
Recommended Citation
"No Title." (1856). Secession Era Newspaper Editorials. 54.
This item is in the public domain, and can be used by anyone without restriction.
Event Location
No Title.
the mouths of the representatives of the North are to be closed by the use of bowie-knives, bludgeons, and revolvers.