Amendments to the Nebraska Bill.


Newspaper Title

Hartford Daily Courant

Publication Date


Publication Place

Hartford, Connecticut

Event Topic

Nebraska Bill (Jan-May 1854)

Political Party



free state


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Let the public see where the truth is.

Document Type

Article (Journal or Newsletter)

Full Text Transcription

Several important amendments were offered in the House, on Saturday, to the Nebraska Bill, but they were all rejected; one was to allow slavery to be permitted or excluded according as the Territorial Legislature should decide. By the negative vote on this amendment it will be perceived that our Democratic masters are determined to admit slavery, but not to leave its rejection possible. -- This is the so much cried up doctrine of "Non-Intervention"! Will not the New Haven Register now cry out "Let the People rule."

Another was to postpone the date of the bill's going into effect until after the Indian title was extinguished. This was rejected. Another was to postpone the organization to the close of the present year. The whole object of the bill is to allow slaveholders to go into the territory now with their people, and then to declare that Congress has so legalized the existence of slavery in the Territory, that it cannot be shaken by any subsequent vote either of Congress or the Legislature. The Locofoco papers of this State that advocate this enormity will perceive how they have attempted to deceive the people of Connecticut on this subject. We advise some of our New Haven brethren who may have preserved files of the Register, to arrange these rejected amendments in one column, with all the assertions which that paper has made upon the subject in another, and let the public see where the truth is.

Edited/Proofed by

entered and proofed by Lloyd Benson




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Amendments to the Nebraska Bill.

Let the public see where the truth is.