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Dred Scott

The Decision of the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott Case.

Arkansas State Gazette and Democrat
Little Rock, Arkansas
The Black Republican papers, with but few exceptions, so far as we have seen, are down upon the Supreme Court, for their decision in the Dred Scott case.
John Brown

The Harper's Ferry Insurrection.--

Arkansas State Gazette and Democrat
Little Rock, Arkansas
The great mass of the people, both in the North and the South, condemn Brown's treason, and rejoice to know that law and justice have been so promptly administered to him.
Nebraska Bill (Jan-May 1854)

Passage of the Nebraska Bill.

Arkansas State Gazette and Democrat
Little Rock, Arkansas
The final passage of the Nebraska bill, through the Senate, was publicly announced by the roaring cannon.
Nebraska Bill (Jan-May 1854)

Senator Douglas -- the Nebraska Bill.

Arkansas State Gazette and Democrat
Little Rock, Arkansas
It is predicted that this report and bill will re-open the slavery agitation, both North and South.