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Dred Scott

Highly Important Decision.

Weekly North Carolina Standard
Raleigh, North Carolina
The Supreme Court of the United States, on Friday last, delivered through Chief Justice Taney its decision in the Dred Scott case, containing the following opinions:
Dred Scott

The Decision of the Supreme Court.

Weekly North Carolina Standard
Raleigh, North Carolina
We publish to-day, at length, the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, delivered by Chief Justice Taney, in the Dred Scott case.
Sumner Caning

Exciting Debate in the Senate -- Senator Sumner Whipped!

Weekly North Carolina Standard
Raleigh, North Carolina
It was a speech full of abuse of his brother Senators -- full of the vilest and most dangerous appeals against the domestic institutions of the South, and calculated only to increase the strife between the two sections and lead to disunion and civil war.