URKEL, Victoria Ferrer
Vermivorous Vincent, Lorin Stanley
View from Train Window in Australia, Alison Williams
After field research, Wes Dripps
Algal mats close up, Wade Worthen
Algal mats on Furman Lake, Wade Worthen
Bank erosion, Wade Worthen
Bank regeneration, Wade Worthen
Bank regeneration, Wade Worthen
Bank regeneration, Wade Worthen
Banks along stream, Wade Worthen
Biogeochemistry research, Wes Dripps
Biologs, Wade Worthen
Biologs at the shoreline, Wade Worthen
Biologs by the shoreline, Wade Worthen
Biologs in water, Wade Worthen
Bluebirds at birdbox, Wade Worthen
Collecting water sample, Wes Dripps
Collecting water sample, Wes Dripps
Collecting water sample, Wes Dripps
Complete reconstruction of bank, Wade Worthen
Complete reconstruction of bank, Wade Worthen
Complete reconstruction of bank, Wade Worthen
Complete reconstruction of bank, Wade Worthen
Drainpipe before lake restoration, Wade Worthen
Drainpipe in 2006, Wade Worthen
Drainpipe near lake in 2006, Wade Worthen
EES Watershed Hydrology class, Wes Dripps
Erosion around Lake, Wade Worthen
Erosion on stream, Wade Worthen
Feeding the waterfowl, Wade Worthen
Finished rain garden, Wade Worthen
Finished rain garden, Wade Worthen
Full sediment trap, Wade Worthen
Furman Lake, Wes Dripps
Furman Lake, Wes Dripps
Furman Lake, Wes Dripps
Furman Lake, Wes Dripps
Furman Lake and Bell Tower, Wade Worthen
Furman Lake outlet, Wes Dripps
Furman Lake outlet, Wes Dripps
Furman Lake outlet, Wes Dripps
Furman Lake rain garden, Wade Worthen
Furman Lake shoreline, Wade Worthen
Furman Lake shoreline, Wade Worthen
Furman stream, Wes Dripps
Furman stream, Wes Dripps
Furman students constructing a rain garden, Wade Worthen
Groundwater monitoring well, Wes Dripps
Groundwater well, Wes Dripps
Groundwater well construction, Wes Dripps
Groundwater well construction, Wes Dripps
Groundwater well construction, Wes Dripps
Groundwater well construction, Wes Dripps
Groundwater well construction, Wes Dripps
Groundwater well construction, Wes Dripps
Groundwater well construction, Wes Dripps
Groundwater well construction, Wes Dripps
Groundwater well construction, Wes Dripps
Herbicide on waterways, Wade Worthen
Installing new plants, Wade Worthen
Installing new plants, Wade Worthen
Lake Clean-up Day, Wade Worthen
Lake level monitoring, Wes Dripps
Lake levels, Wes Dripps
Lake surveying, Wes Dripps
Lake surveying, Wes Dripps
Lake surveying, Wes Dripps
Lake surveying, Wes Dripps
Landscaped shoreline, Wade Worthen
Low water level, Wade Worthen
Low water level, Wade Worthen
Low water level, Wade Worthen
Low water level in Furman Lake, Wade Worthen
Low water level in Furman Lake, Wade Worthen
Low water level in Furman Lake, Wade Worthen
Native wildflowers, Wade Worthen
Native wildflowers, Wade Worthen
Natural revegetation at Furman Lake, Wade Worthen
Natural revegetation at Furman Lake, Wade Worthen
Natural revegetation at Furman Lake, Wade Worthen
Natural revegetation at Furman Lake, Wade Worthen
Natural revegetation at Furman Lake, Wade Worthen
Natural revegetation at Furman Lake, Wade Worthen
Natural revegetation at Furman Lake, Wade Worthen
Natural revegetation at Furman Lake, Wade Worthen
Natural revegetation at Furman Lake, Wade Worthen
Natural revegetation at Furman Lake, Wade Worthen
Natural revegetation at Furman Lake, Wade Worthen
Rain garden construction, Wade Worthen
Rain garden construction, Wade Worthen
Rain garden construction, Wade Worthen
Rain garden construction, Wade Worthen
Reconstructed shoreline, Wade Worthen
Restored lake bank, Wade Worthen
Shallow lake, Wade Worthen
Shallow lake, Wade Worthen
Shoreline revegetation, Wade Worthen
Signs of erosion, Wade Worthen
Stream level monitoring, Wes Dripps