Riverside, Caroline Bass
Rugged Exposure, Rhodes Hambrick
Scaling Vivaciousness, Emma Nguyen
Season's End, Graham Browning
Secrets, Bethany Knapp
Setae, Gabriella Williams
Silk Hydrangea, Aaron Navarro
Silk Rose, Aaron Navarro
Skull, Eric Neumann
Slash, Olivia White
So Vain, Sophie Ngo
Space Jam, Kristen Murdaugh
Spectator Sports, Brian Boda
Sprouts, Caroline Bass
Squalene, Jacob Rabinovich
Stage View, Abigail MacDougall
Stained, Sarah Harrod
Steel, Ava Shutze
Sunday Afternoon, Bethany Knapp
Swan Lake Sky, Hanna King
Swarm, Catherine Sigman
Switzerland, Reagan Kennedy
Texas Galaxy, Laura Krueger
The Language of Decay, Olivia Corso
The Secret Garden, Melina George
The Valle, Graham Browning
The Way Up, Ava Shutze
The Woman in The Garden, Anna Timbes
Thoreau Cabin, Molly Widmer
Timless, Anna Timbes
Train Tracks to Birkenau, Cassie Wodecki
Tree Terrain, Caroline Bass
Tsujiki After Lunch, Amy Poon
Unoduhi, Brandon Barney
Unstructured, Nathan Mathai
Untitled, Haley Gray
Untitled, Haley Gray
Untitled, Haley Gray
Untitled, Haley Gray
Untitled, Haley Gray
Untitled, Haley Gray
Untitled, Yiming Hu
Untitled, Sarah Rasmussen
Untitled, Tim Sharp
Untitled, Kelsey Watkins
Untitled, Summer Woods
Untitled II, Kelsey Watkins
Up & Down, Eva Bilo
Vet, Demi Marshall
Via Dolorosa, Noah Zimmermann
Vines, Eric Neumann
Waiting, Ciaran Francis
Walking to School, Kristina Benson
"We'll be Friends Forever, won't we…?", Faith Kressner
when the party's over, Sophie Harris
Where's Joe?, Kristen Murdaugh
Windy City, Eric Clammage
•, Laura Dame
after little women, to amy march, Alex Aradas
An Apology to Yellow and Pink, Jenna Barnett
A Nice Cool Bath, Noah Zimmerman
An Ode to John Keats, Michelle Rash
An Unlikely Companion, Thomas Nantz
Anywhere, Lizzy Coyle
Apology from the Mind of the Uncreative, Hayden Arrington
apple trees, Zach Hughes
Ars Poetica: For When the Smoke Clears, Amanda Cordle
Autumn, Ella Morton
Baby Giraffe, Kayla Burrell
Before Quitting the Football Team, Zach Hughes
Beyond the Comic Books, Thomas Nantz
Bleeding Sky, Reilly Murtaugh
Blurred Past, Alexis Burson
Brooding Rebel, Sam Person
Bruises, Taylor Kinsley
Buenos Días Niña, Kelsey Milian
Caper's Island, Karissa Horn
Carolina Mantis, Kayla Burrell
case study, Virginia Wayt
Chocolate Chips, Zachary Hughes
Coherent Human Ability, Madison Browne
Compañera, Sally Cannon
Creature of the Season, Lara Rudman
Crowning Glory, Ava Shutze
Damp, Emily Clancey
Dear Mr. Bukowski,, Claudia Cornelison
Degas: Field Notes, Jennifer Bilton
Didn't See You There, Kayla Burrell
Dirty dishes and a suicide attempt, Nicole Annone
Each Other's Nerves/Pile of Flesh/Fuse, Emily Clancey
Enough, Ella Morton
Extra(ordinary) Skin, Elizabeth Campbell
Fallen Sparrow, Paul Bryant
faltering creation self-actualization, Zoee Lawrence
Fellowship, Laura Dame
Final Destination, Anna Bowman
Fire, Emily Matthews
Food, Liron Golan
For the girl who had a snake in her apartment last night, Alice Tyszka