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Document Type
Presentation (Conference, workshop, or webinar)
Scholarship Type
Faculty Scholarship, Staff Scholarship
Presentation Date
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Introduction to web accessibility, including need, scope, legal issues, and a conceptual basis for understanding how screen readers and assistive technology techniques work. The majority of the presentation will be spent on how to apply web development techniques to meet accessibility guidelines and requirements.
Note: as of January, 2018 Section 508 references Level AA of the WCAG 2.0 standard. All of the specific recommendations in this tutorial/webinar are still valid, other than the standard being referenced.
web accessibility, libraries
Recommended Citation
Smith, Jared; Allen, Christy; Salzman, Scott; and Dunnavant, Susan, "Webinar 1: Introduction to Web Accessibility" (2016). Web Accessibility in Libraries. 1.
Additional Affiliated Department, Center or Institute
Information Technology Services, Libraries
Accessibility | Library and Information Science
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.