Furman University Scholar Exchange - Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference (MIFLC): 01. French Studies I: Complicated Relationships in 19th and 20th C. French Works

01. French Studies I: Complicated Relationships in 19th and 20th C. French Works


Carole Salmon, Furman University

Start Date

7-10-2021 1:00 PM

End Date

7-10-2021 2:15 PM

Presentation Titles

“Perspectives on Friendship in Three Works by Camille Lebrun: ‘Théodore et Constantin, ou les amis de collège’ (1841),' Une amitié de femme (1843), and Amitié et dévouement, ou Trois mois à la Louisiane (1845).”
E. Joe Johnson, Clayton State University

"La controverse Camus-Mauriac au sujet de l'epuration (1944-45).”
Vincent Gregoire, Berry College

Publication Date


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Oct 7th, 1:00 PM Oct 7th, 2:15 PM

01. French Studies I: Complicated Relationships in 19th and 20th C. French Works
