Furman University Scholar Exchange - Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference (MIFLC): 05. Pedagogy II: Lessons from the Pandemic

05. Pedagogy II: Lessons from the Pandemic


Britton Newman, Wofford College

Start Date

7-10-2021 1:00 PM

End Date

7-10-2021 2:15 PM

Presentation Titles

“Lessons Learned During Times of Covid: The Implementation of Online, Open Educational Resources (OER) in an Intermediate Spanish Course.”
Graham Ignizio, Metro State University

"Pedagogical Strategies for an Emergency Situation: The Virtualization of Spanish Language Instruction in a Study Abroad Program due to Covid-19.”
Antonio Rodriguez Maldonado, IES-Granada, Spain

"What If They Can’t Go Abroad?: Approximating 'Study-Abroad' Learning at Home During Covid and Beyond.”
Britton Newman, Wofford College

Publication Date


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Oct 7th, 1:00 PM Oct 7th, 2:15 PM

05. Pedagogy II: Lessons from the Pandemic
