Furman University Scholar Exchange - Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference (MIFLC): 49. Pedagogy XIII: Reflections on the Pandemic

49. Pedagogy XIII: Reflections on the Pandemic


Lori Oxford, Western Carolina University

Start Date

9-10-2021 10:30 AM

End Date

9-10-2021 11:45 AM

Presentation Titles

“Reflections post Covid-19: The benefits and challenges of online teaching in elementary language classes.”
Maria J. Maguire, Flagler College

“Encountering and Processing Racism in Film in Undergraduate Students of German: A Comparison of On-Campus, Abroad, and Zoom Classrooms.”
Emily Krauter, Furman University

“Qu’est-ce qui est essential ?”: French Pandemic Philosophy and COVID-19.”
Elizabeth Zahnd, Francis Marion University

Publication Date

October 2021

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Oct 9th, 10:30 AM Oct 9th, 11:45 AM

49. Pedagogy XIII: Reflections on the Pandemic
