Furman University Scholar Exchange - Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference (MIFLC): 08. Luso-Brazilian Studies I: Esthetics and “Missa do Galo”

08. Luso-Brazilian Studies I: Esthetics and “Missa do Galo”


Euridice Silva-Filho, University of Tennessee Knoxville

Start Date

7-10-2021 2:30 PM

End Date

7-10-2021 3:45 PM

Presentation Titles

“The path to liberation, from wife to Don Juan through literature. The role of Concepción in Machado de Assis' ‘Missa do Galo’.”
Ricardo Sevilla, University of Tennessee Knoxville

“Celestina and the veil of the night on Lembramças de Dona Inácia.”
Geser Sosa Galvez, University of Tennessee Knoxville

“Mote Alheio e voltas: unveiling female agency and sexuality in Dourado’s fiction.”
Karelyn Feliz Garcia, University of Tennessee Knoxville

Publication Date

October 2021

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Oct 7th, 2:30 PM Oct 7th, 3:45 PM

08. Luso-Brazilian Studies I: Esthetics and “Missa do Galo”
