1991 Sub-Librarians Meeting: In Bed With Sherlock Holmes


Marsha PollakFollow

Start Date

6-30-1991 4:30 PM

End Date

6-30-1991 5:30 PM

Co-Sponsoring Scion Organization

Confederates of Wisteria Lodge


Steak and Ale Restaurant

City and State

Atlanta, GA


Jennie C. Paton, Media Services Librarian, gave a multi-media presentation on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, showing the 1929 Fox interview, and the Sherlock Holmes stories, showing how they have been used in various commercials.

Marsha Pollak, ASH, and Bill Leonard welcomed the group to the 19th (Irregular) annual meeting of the Sub-Librarians. Obligatory toasts were given to Lomax by Maxine Reneker; Sherlock Holmes by Ruth Carr; Hill Barton by Ed Oram; Baron Gruner by Doug Highsmith, and Kitty Winter by Eugenia Winter. Bob Ludemann and Kay Pinckney also gave toasts.

Door prizes were courtesy of Players Press, Inc. and the meeting ended with a reading of "221B" by Vincent Starrett.

Local arrangements and thanks to Maxine Reneker, Kay Pinckney, Bill and Mary Leonard and Steve Schaefer.

Contact Information

Marsha Pollak

Maxine Reneker

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Jun 30th, 4:30 PM Jun 30th, 5:30 PM

1991 Sub-Librarians Meeting: In Bed With Sherlock Holmes

Steak and Ale Restaurant

Jennie C. Paton, Media Services Librarian, gave a multi-media presentation on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, showing the 1929 Fox interview, and the Sherlock Holmes stories, showing how they have been used in various commercials.

Marsha Pollak, ASH, and Bill Leonard welcomed the group to the 19th (Irregular) annual meeting of the Sub-Librarians. Obligatory toasts were given to Lomax by Maxine Reneker; Sherlock Holmes by Ruth Carr; Hill Barton by Ed Oram; Baron Gruner by Doug Highsmith, and Kitty Winter by Eugenia Winter. Bob Ludemann and Kay Pinckney also gave toasts.

Door prizes were courtesy of Players Press, Inc. and the meeting ended with a reading of "221B" by Vincent Starrett.

Local arrangements and thanks to Maxine Reneker, Kay Pinckney, Bill and Mary Leonard and Steve Schaefer.