Health Sciences Events | Browse by Department (2015)

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Friday, April 12th
2:00 PM

Comparison of Muscle Activity Between the Tsunami BarbellTM and an Olympic Barbell

Jason Jakiela
Tony Caterisano, Furman University
Randolph Hutchison, Furman University
Raymond Moss

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Method for Measuring the Contribution of the Vastus Lateralis to Cycling in Incremental Tests to Fatigue in Women

Tori Haggett
Hunter Wilhoit
Nathan Klabunde

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Friday, April 11th
9:00 AM

Opportunities for Advancing Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rehabilitation with Single Legged Cycling and Standardized Perturbations

Maggie Grisell
Randolph Hutchison, Furman University
Andrea Tartaro, Furman University

9:00 AM - 10:20 AM

Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Tuesday, April 14th
9:00 AM

Baptist Easley Hospital Administration Internship

Sam Douglas

9:00 AM - 10:20 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Cracking the Code: What's for Lunch in Greenville County Schools?

Sarah Clark

9:00 AM - 10:20 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Food Fight: Combating Childhood Obesity in Greenville County Schools

Kelsey Kinderknecht

9:00 AM - 10:20 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Healthy Foods Make a Splash at Greenville Waterparks

Olivia Haase

9:00 AM - 10:20 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Modeling of the flexible Tsunami Barbell for muscular power, strength conditioning

Modeling of the flexible Tsunami Barbell for muscular power and strength conditioning

Mehmood Mallick

9:00 AM - 10:20 AM

Molnar Lab (PAC)

Health Sciences


Using Oxygen Uptake to Determine Fat vs. Carbohydrate Utilization During Exercise

Using Oxygen Uptake to Determine Fat vs. Carbohydrate Utilization During Exercise

Gibson Klapthor
Sam Douglas

9:00 AM - 10:20 AM

Metabolic Lab (PAC)

Health Sciences


Using Single-Legged Cycling for Quadriceps Avoidance rehabilitation post-ACL reconstructive surgery

Using Single-Legged Cycling for Quadriceps Avoidance rehabilitation post-ACL reconstructive surgery

Kristine Knowles

9:00 AM - 10:20 AM

Molnar Lab (PAC)

Health Sciences


10:30 AM

Comparative Biomechanical Gait Analysis of Walking and Running

Comparative Biomechanical Gait Analysis of Walking and Running

Taylor Jenkins
Britt Hodges

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM

Molnar Lab (PAC)

Health Sciences


Determination of body composition using the Bod Pod and Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry

Determination of body composition using the Bod Pod and Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry

Harrison Goudiss
Fred Dilworth

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM

PAC 104

Health Sciences


Not Your Average Farm to Table: Connecting Greenville to Local Produce

Natalie Mulloy

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Physical Therapy Internship at Proaxis Therapy

Virginia Lesslie

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

The Results of Daily Physical Education on Fitnessgram PACER Laps among Middle School Youth: A Longitudinal Examination

Ereann Kilpatrick
Natalie Malafronte

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

When Research Gets Cheesy; Papa John's Pizza Delivering Healthy Incentives to Greenville County Schools

Abby Myers

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

1:00 PM

Comparison of Core Muscle Activity Between Back Squat and Push Press

Nathan Klabunde
Randolph Hutchison, Furman University
Anthony Caterisano, Furman University
Olivia Tant

1:00 PM - 2:20 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Comparison of Push Press Muscle Activity between Olympic and Flexible Barbell

Olivia Tant
Nathan Klabunde
Randolph Hutchison, Furman University
Anthony Caterisano, Furman University

1:00 PM - 2:20 PM

Molnar Lab (PAC)

Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Demonstration of the "Tilt-Cycle" for stroke rehabilitation motion analysis research

Demonstration of the "Tilt-Cycle" for stroke rehabilitation motion analysis research

Tripp Hurt

1:00 PM - 2:20 PM

Molnar Lab (PAC)

Health Sciences


Getting the Gears Turning: The Balancing Act Between Pilot Research and Non-Profit Development

Madeline Gabor

1:00 PM - 2:20 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Links Between Daily Physical Education and Perceptual Speed of Elementary and Middle School Youth

Natalie Malafronte
Ereann Kilpatrick

1:00 PM - 2:20 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Interdisciplinary Research in Business and Accounting

Promoting LiveWell Greenville Menu Options: An Analysis of Waterpark Concession Sales

Olivia Haase

1:00 PM - 2:20 PM

Hipp Hall 104

Business and Accounting

Department Organized Oral Session

2:30 PM

An Exploration of Various Conceptualizations of Pathological Exercise and Their Relationship to Eating Disorders

Hayley Cunningham

2:30 PM - 3:50 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Environment and Policy Assessment of Physical Activity and Nutrition in Out of School Time Settings

Mary Jackman

2:30 PM - 3:50 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

FIT Rx: Internship in Individualized Exercise Prescription

FIT Rx: Internship in Individualized Exercise Prescription

Caroline Brown
Abby Henry
Sarah Hurtado
Katie Keith
Jenny Pearsall
Andrew Schwartz
Jo Wilks

2:30 PM - 3:50 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Department Organized Oral Session

Learning in Tandem: Applying Positive Youth Development in Greenville, SC

Madeline Gabor

2:30 PM - 3:50 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Wingate Testing for Anaerobic Power and Capacity Using the Lode Ergometer and Lactate Measures

Wingate Testing for Anaerobic Power and Capacity Using the Lode Ergometer and Lactate Measures

Olivia Haase
Hannah Stanifer

2:30 PM - 3:50 PM

Metabolic Lab (PAC)

Health Sciences


Tuesday, April 12th
12:00 AM

Growing Together in Faith: New Partnerships to Promote Health in At-Risk Communities

Lauren Gulley

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

9:00 AM

Change Your Child's Environment, Change Your Child's Health

Mary Jackman

9:00 AM - 10:20 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")


Ashley Cookey-Gam

9:00 AM - 10:20 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (tri-fold)

Internship with Furman Strength & Conditioning

Christopher Chester

9:00 AM - 10:20 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (tri-fold)

LiveWell PALS: Physicians as Liaisons in Schools

Bethelyn Brown

9:00 AM - 10:20 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Wingate Testing for Anaerobic Power and Capacity Using the Lode Ergometer

Predicting the Expenditure of Anaerobic Work Capacity (AWCexp) based on Changes to the Torque-Velocity Curve

Karlee Edwards
Randolph Hutchison, Furman University
Kelly Humes
Gibson Klapthor
Kristine Knowles
Gregory Mocko
Ardalan Vahidi

9:00 AM - 10:20 AM

Molnar Lab (PAC)

Health Sciences


The Evolution of LiveWell Greenville Fellows

Meghan Seery

9:00 AM - 10:20 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

10:30 AM

Determination of body composition using the Bod Pod and Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry

Determination of body composition using the Bod Pod and Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry

Chris Chester
Cameron Green

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM

PAC 104

Health Sciences


Educacion de Nutricion: Health Promotion for At-Risk Faith Communities

Lauren Gulley
Natalie Mulloy

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Internship: Greenville Free Medical Clinic

Jason Hirsch

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (tri-fold)

Living and Working with Native Americans

Paige Bartholomew

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (tri-fold)

Research in Health Sciences and Communication Studies

Longitudinal Examination of the Impact of Daily Physical Education on the Fitness of Undeserved Youth

Sarah King
Ereann Kilpatrick

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Research in Health Sciences and Communication Studies

Longitudinal Investigation Between Daily Physical Education and Perceptual Speed of Elementary School Youth

Ereann Kilpatrick
Sarah King

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Performance QSA

Evan De Ycaza

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (tri-fold)

Protocol to Determine Changes to the Torque Velocity Curve above Critical Power while Cycling

Kelly Humes
Randolph E. Hutchison, Furman University
Karlee Edwards
Gibson Klapthor
Kristine Knowles, Furman University
Gregory Mocko
Ardalan Vahidi

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

1:00 PM

Health Sciences Internship #1

Baptist Easley Hospital

Amy Dondero

1:00 PM - 2:20 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Comparison of Threshold Determinations between Blood Lactate/Ventilatory and Near Infrared Spectroscopy

Kristine Knowles
Randolph E. Hutchison, Furman University
Karlee Edwards
Gibson Klapthor
Kelly Humes
Gregory Mocko
Ardalan Vahidi

1:00 PM - 2:20 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Health Sciences Internship #1

GHS Gastroenterology Associates

Charlotte Kenter

1:00 PM - 2:20 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Health Sciences Internship #1

Greenville Humane Society

Sarah Matthews

1:00 PM - 2:20 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Health Sciences Internship #1

Heuser Health Institute and Greater Louisville Inc. (Louisville, KY)

Katherine Fleming

1:00 PM - 2:20 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Internship at Momentum Bike Clubs

Laura Paige Penkert
Jordan Ellis

1:00 PM - 2:20 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (tri-fold)

Park Hop: Interagency Collaboration to Promote Park Visitation and Physical Activity Among Youth in Greenville County, SC

Mike Toto
Emily Mutschler
Morgan Hughey

1:00 PM - 2:20 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Protocol for Prediction of Time to Exhaustion based on Critical Power and Anaerobic Energy (W')

Karlee Edwards

1:00 PM - 2:20 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Health Sciences Internship #1

Roger C. Peace Rehabilitation Hospital

Melanie Young

1:00 PM - 2:20 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

School Health Policies and Practices Survey (SHPPS): Report for Greenville County Elementary Schools 2013-2015

Carlee Campbell

1:00 PM - 2:20 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Health Sciences Internship #1


Casey Wells

1:00 PM - 2:20 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Working in the Nashville Mayor’s Office: Insights of the transition period during an election year

Natalie Mulloy

1:00 PM - 2:20 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (tri-fold)

Working Ourselves to Death? Workplace Wellness as an Effective Way to Stay Happy and Healthy

Kristen Garcia

1:00 PM - 2:20 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

2:30 PM

Health Sciences Internship #2

Champion Physical Therapy

Sarah Stanley

2:30 PM - 3:50 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Cracking the Code for Healthy Eating in Greenville County Schools

Sarah Clark

2:30 PM - 3:50 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Health Sciences Internship #2

Emergency M.D.

Nicole Casale

2:30 PM - 3:50 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Health Sciences Internship #2

Furman Student Health Services

Emily Gale

2:30 PM - 3:50 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Internship at Travelers Rest Farmer’s Market

Elizabeth Burke

2:30 PM - 3:50 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (tri-fold)

Keep Calm and Park Hop On!

Sarah King

2:30 PM - 3:50 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Health Sciences Internship #2

Kidnetics: GHS Children's Hospital

Anna McBride

2:30 PM - 3:50 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Religion, Culture, and Representation

Laboring with Love: The Spirituality of Birth from a Doula’s Perspective

Lauren Gulley

2:30 PM - 3:50 PM

Furman Hall 108


Individual Oral Presentation

Health Sciences Internship #2


Kristen Garcia

2:30 PM - 3:50 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Livewell Greenville

Daniel Chernati

2:30 PM - 3:50 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (tri-fold)

Health Sciences Internship #2

St. Francis Therapy Center @ Furman SportsMedicine

Kelly Gansfuss

2:30 PM - 3:50 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Youth BMI -- A Super-Sized Concern? Evaluating LiveWell Greenville At School Interventions in Greenville County School Districts

Katherine Barley

2:30 PM - 3:50 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Tuesday, April 4th
9:00 AM

Comparison of Peak Ground Reaction Forces of Flexible Barbell and Steel Olympic Barbell at Various Lifting Speeds

Simone Alimonti

9:00 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

FUEL the Community: Feeding the Homeless

Sara Mixon

9:00 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")


Emily Vanderkwaak

9:00 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (tri-fold)

Living Well in Worship

Britt Harris
Miguel Negrete

9:00 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Real-time Streaming and Visualization of 3D Gait Analysis

Real-time Streaming and Visualization of 3D Gait Analysis

Larkidus Robinson
Kathryn D'Ablemont

9:00 AM

Molnar Lab (PAC) - HP1

Health Sciences


Resting and Exercise Electrocardiography demonstration

Resting and Exercise Electrocardiography demonstration

John Chauvin
Charlotte Levering
Jess Hickey

9:00 AM


Health Sciences


Roatan Marine

Ben Yetman

9:00 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

The Test Retest of Internal Reliability of the Bod Pod

Donovan Franks
John C. McCallister-Ashley
Barrett J. Maddox
Logan B. McCarter

9:00 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

10:30 AM

Comparison of the Effect of Flexible Barbell Weight Position on Max Ground Reaction Force

Sun Lee

10:30 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Living Well in Early Childhood Childcare Settings: Evaluating the Impact of a Community-Based Early Childhood Obesity Prevention Project

John Chauvin
Maura Drewry
Kjersti Kleine
Miguel Negrete

10:30 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Oxygen Consumption Response to Exercise demonstration

Oxygen Consumption Response to Exercise demonstration

Brittany Houston
Landon Kay
Cameron Whitehead

10:30 AM

Molnar Lab (PAC)

Health Sciences


Relationship between SmO2% Measured by NIRS and VO2 During Severe Intensity Intervals of Running

Lee Shearer

10:30 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

SC, Columbia

Britt Harris

10:30 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

The Stability – Reliability of the BodPod for Females

Carly Garvin
Mercedes Nagel
Abigail Short

10:30 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

12:00 PM

Lactate Response to Exercise demonstration

Lactate Response to Exercise demonstration

Malia Fraioli
Frank Lara
Nathan Stevens

12:00 PM

Molnar Lab (PAC)

Health Sciences


1:00 PM

Contextualizing Disease through Time and Space: CURE International

Laura Paige Penkert

1:00 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Health Sciences Internship

Gastroenterology Associates

Lacey Porter

1:00 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Health Sciences Internship

Gastroenterology Associates

Emily Gale

1:00 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Health Sciences Internship

Kidnetics and Advanced Therapy Solutions

Carlee Campbell

1:00 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Health Sciences Internship

LiveWell Greenville

Maura Drewry

1:00 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Health Sciences Internship

Open Retromuscular Repair of Parastomal Hernias

Bryan Knoedler
L.R. Beffa, University of South Carolina, School of Medicine, Greenville, Minimal Access and Bariatric Surgery
A.M. Carbonell, University of South Carolina, School of Medicine, Greenville, Minimal Access and Bariatric Surgery
W.S. Cobb, University of South Carolina, School of Medicine, Greenville, Minimal Access and Bariatric Surgery
J.A. Ewing
J.A. Warren, University of South Carolina, School of Medicine, Greenville, Minimal Access and Bariatric Surgery

1:00 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Health Sciences Internship

Performance QSA

Adekunle Olusanya

1:00 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Relationship between SmO2% Measured by NIRS and VO2 During Recovery Periods of Endurance Exercise

Nicholas Hayden
Abby Muhly

1:00 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Health Sciences Internship

Student Health Services

Gabrielle Woodruff

1:00 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

The Internal Consistency of the BodPod

Andrew Clinkscales
Donovan Franks

1:00 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

The Stability – Reliability of the BodPod for Males

Barrett Maddox
Chuck McAllister-Ashley
Logan McCarter

1:00 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Health Sciences Internship

Village Wrench

Danielle Clark

1:00 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

2:30 PM

Health Sciences Internship

AGAPI Behavioral

Caroline Stanton

2:30 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Health Sciences Internship

Business Health, Greenville Health System

Tiffany Pons

2:30 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Health Sciences Internship

Clinical Outcomes of Term Elective Induction of Labor with Unripe Cervix

Colleen Christensen

2:30 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

FIT Rx: Exercise is Medicine

Nicholas Hayden
Rachael Holtsclaw
Kathryn D'Ablemont

2:30 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Health Sciences Internship

Happy Hooves, Eden Farms

Madi LaChance

2:30 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Education Policy and Health

Like Body, Like Mind: Links between Daily Physical Education and the Fluid Intelligence and Fitness Levels of Underserved Middle School Youth

Abigail Short
Haley Holan

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 110

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Health Sciences Internship

LiveWell Greenville

Laura Paige Penkert

2:30 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Oriental Medicine Associates

Danielle Tyler

2:30 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (tri-fold)

Health Sciences Internship

Piedmont Health Foundation

Kjersti Kleine

2:30 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Health Sciences Internship

Steadman-Hawkins Orthopaedics Research

Michala Burges

2:30 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Education Policy and Helath

Strong Body, Strong Mind: An Investigation of the Impact of Daily Physical Education on Perceptual Speed and PACER Laps Over Time Among Elementary School Youth

Haley Holan
Abigail Short

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 110

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Health Sciences Internship

Student Health Services

Emily Sandlin

2:30 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

The Steadman-Hawkins Foundation

Tyler Seckel

2:30 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Tuesday, April 10th
10:00 AM

Active Kids Learn Better!

Investigation Between Daily PE, Fluid Intelligence, Fitness and BMI among Middle School Youth Over Time

Caroline Stanton

10:00 AM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Active Kids Learn Better!

Longitudinal Investigation of Daily Physical Education on Fitness Levels and Processing Speed among Minority Youth

Brooke Huhn
Caroline Stanton

10:00 AM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

11:15 AM

Healthy Communities

Cross-Country Comparison: What Kind of Society is Healthier?

Sun Lee

11:15 AM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Oral Panel Presentation

Psychology Internship Session 2

FAVOR Greenville

Willough Davis

11:15 AM

Johns Hall 208


Oral Panel Presentation

Healthy Communities

FIT Rx: The Furman Advantage

Austin Schultz
Barrett Maddox
Becca Cooley
Katty Weymouth

11:15 AM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Healthy Communities

FUELing the Community with nutrition knowledge

Baillie Steele
Jen Stephenson
Crystal Valente
Tess Lesesne

11:15 AM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Mathematics Summer Experiences - II

Math Around the World: Experiences of a Math Major Abroad

Emma Shover

11:15 AM

Riley Hall 107


Individual Oral Presentation

1:15 PM

Interdisciplinary Internship Panel

Internship with Bradshaw Institute for Community Child Health & Advocacy (Greenville, SC)

Haley Park

1:15 PM

Plyler Hall 126; Patrick Lecture Room

Health Sciences

Oral Panel Presentation

Interdisciplinary Internship Panel

Internship with Sports, Spine and Industrial Physical Therapy and Performance Training (Greer, SC)

Reilly McDermott

1:15 PM

Plyler Hall 126; Patrick Lecture Room

Health Sciences

Oral Panel Presentation

2:30 PM

Accuracy of Treadmill Caloric Expenditure Values

Sims Griffith
Troy Deyo

2:30 PM

PAC gym

Health Sciences


Addressing Grief in College Life

Genna Dalence
Tedra Sheperd

2:30 PM

PAC dance studio

Health Sciences


CenteringPregnancy Health Education in Group Prenatal Care

Taylor Haugh

2:30 PM

PAC gym

Health Sciences


Electrocardiographic Findings in Collegiate Athletes

Ryan Massinople
Bryan Knoedler

2:30 PM

PAC gym

Health Sciences


FUEL the Community: Changing lives by changing plates

Tedra Sheperd
Daniyal Roshan
Willough Davis
Margo Ennis
Royall Tyler

2:30 PM

PAC dance studio

Health Sciences


Improving the Qualty of Life for Parkinson's Patients, the Greenville Area Parkinson Society's Proposal for the Upstate

Jessica Norum

2:30 PM

PAC gym

Health Sciences


Influence of quadriceps tendon length on Running economy

Katie Hicks
Royall Tyler
Jacquelyn Crow

2:30 PM

PAC gym

Health Sciences


Influence of tendon length on running economy

Royall Tyler
Katie Hicks
Jacquelyn Crow

2:30 PM

PAC gym

Health Sciences


Internship with Greenville Memorial Hospital (Greenville, SC)

Barrett Maddox

2:30 PM

PAC dance studio

Health Sciences


Internship with Momentum Bike Club (Greenville, SC)

Shannon Smith
Sarah Wilson

2:30 PM

PAC dance studio

Health Sciences


Investigating glycogen depletion within muscle following a max effort cycling test

Moe Richard
Bruce Hall
Gabby Rodriguez

2:30 PM

PAC gym

Health Sciences


Investigating the differences in glycogen depletion within muscle from a 40 and 20 min bout of cycling

Gabby Rodriguez
Bruce Hall
Moe Richard

2:30 PM

PAC gym

Health Sciences


Investigating the differences in glycogen depletion within muscle from a 60 and 20 min bout of cycling

Bruce Hall
Gabby Rodriguez
Moe Richard

2:30 PM

PAC gym

Health Sciences


The Correlation Between BMI and Percent Body Fat by PodPod in 18-24 Year Old Females

Emma Shover
Jacquelyn Crow
Rebecca Cooley

2:30 PM

PAC gym

Health Sciences


The Correlation of Percent Body; DXA & BodPod

Christen Sikora
Abbey Muhly
Anna Eckstein

2:30 PM

PAC gym

Health Sciences


The Message of LiveWell Greenville: An Evaluation of the Communication Efforts of this Healthy Eating and Active Living Coalition

Sanon Williams
Brittany Wright
KP Peterson

2:30 PM

PAC gym

Health Sciences


The Reliability of the BodPod

Gene Langan
Ja'quan Oliver

2:30 PM

PAC gym

Health Sciences


U.S. Government HIV Epidemic Response in Uganda

Katharine Olson

2:30 PM

PAC gym

Health Sciences


Using GIS Mapping to Explore Regional Variation in Elevated Blood Lead Levels Among Children Living in South Carolina

McKenna Luzynski

2:30 PM

PAC gym

Health Sciences


3:00 PM

A Reason to Smile: Changing Oral Health

Caitlin Beheler

3:00 PM

PAC dance studio

Health Sciences


3:30 PM

A Pilot Study of Student Characteristics and Cell Phone Bacteria

Carly Burkhardt
Connor Dial
Josh Hager
Anna Hayden
Rachel Keck
Mary Katherine Kelly
Reed Kroeber
Theresa Lunsford
John Martinson
Delanie McCoy
Rachel Reed
Natalie Srinivasan
Paige Trinter
Crystal Valente
Leah Wein

3:30 PM

PAC gym

Health Sciences


BMI of Furman Athletes

Cierra Carter
Aryn Greene
Gabby Rodriguez

3:30 PM

PAC gym

Health Sciences


Drought-Resistant Spirulina Farming combats poverty and malnutrition simultaneously

Sun Lee

3:30 PM

PAC dance studio

Health Sciences


FIT Rx: A well-rounded approach to health and wellness

Gene Langan
Margot Fumo
Jackie White
Christian Noble

3:30 PM

PAC dance studio

Health Sciences


Internship with GHS-Department of Surgery (Greenville, SC)

Bryan Knoedler

3:30 PM

PAC dance studio

Health Sciences


Internship with LiveWell Greenville (Greenville, SC)

Sean Thompson

3:30 PM

PAC dance studio

Health Sciences


Internship with The Autism Academy of SC (Columbia, SC)

Britt Harris

3:30 PM

PAC dance studio

Health Sciences


Measuring the feasibility and impact of implementing an evidence-based model of advance care planning in cancer patients at Greenville Health System.

Colleen Christensen

3:30 PM

PAC gym

Health Sciences


Patient Centered Thinking: Qualitative Research Conducted with Greenville Health System's Patient Engagement Studio

Mallory Ackerson

3:30 PM

PAC gym

Medicine, Health, and Culture


Research Internship with Greenville Health System (Greenville, SC)

Caroline Baer

3:30 PM

PAC gym

Health Sciences


The Correlation Between BMI and Percent Body Fat by DXA in College-Aged Students

Moe Richard
Alexandra O'Neill

3:30 PM

PAC gym

Health Sciences


The Effect of Verbal Encouragement on Maximal Effort

Matty Newman
Bruce Hall

3:30 PM

PAC gym

Health Sciences


The influence of knee flexor muscle architecture on running economy

Jacquelyn Crow

3:30 PM

PAC gym

Health Sciences


The Metabolic Demands of A Dead Lift Strength Training Workout

Joe Frye
Hunter Baker

3:30 PM

PAC gym

Health Sciences


4:00 PM

Internship with Flatirons Practice Management (Boulder, CO)

Benjamin Brearley

4:00 PM

PAC dance studio

Health Sciences


Internship with GHS-Department of Surgery (Greenville, SC)

Gene Langan
Jack Horton

4:00 PM

PAC dance studio

Health Sciences


Transportation is a Critical Component of Health

Sean Rusnak

4:00 PM

PAC dance studio

Health Sciences


Tuesday, April 9th
9:45 AM

Health Sciences Internship Symposium

FIT Rx: Exercise is Medicine

Anna Hayden
Zach Couch
Matthew Sanders

9:45 AM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Department Organized Oral Session

Health Sciences Internship Symposium

FUEL the Community- Improving health of underserved populations, one plate at a time

Madeline Holt
Paige Trinter
Brooke Kritikos

9:45 AM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Department Organized Oral Session

Health Sciences Internship Symposium

The Body Project: A Peer-Led, Evidence Based, Body Acceptance Program for Young Adults

Katie Hicks
Jada Lee

9:45 AM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Department Organized Oral Session

3:00 PM

Table 1: Poverty Studies

A community of empowerment for homeless women

Caroline Baer

3:00 PM

PAC Hallway

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

A Comparison of Quadriceps Muscle Size and Quality at Different Locations

Theresa Lunsford
Jaquelyn Crow
Danielle Tyler
Eric Sobolewski

3:00 PM


Health Sciences


Age Difference in the ECG of Woman - Selected Aspects

Isabelle Walsh
Ali Robertson
Alex Hultstrom
Halle O'Brien

3:00 PM


Health Sciences


Age Differences in the ECG of Men - Selected Aspects

Donavan Perryman
Gabe Silveira

3:00 PM


Health Sciences


Are estimates of resting metabolism based on body composition results accurate?

Lauren Duggar
Jake Ogden
Tess Griswold

3:00 PM


Health Sciences


Building Healthier Communities Together

Jada Lee

3:00 PM


Health Sciences


Table 4: Urban Studies/Consulting

Clemson SNAP-ed: Putting Healthy Food Within Reach

Jennifer Stephenson

3:00 PM

PAC Hallway

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Comparison of the Stryd Power Meter Across Surfaces during Level, Sub-maximal Running

Sean Langan
Alexander Whyte

3:00 PM


Health Sciences


Correlation of Internal vs External Measures of Load During In-Season Practice of NCAA Division I College Football

Darius Morehead
Madeline East
Jonathan Duke
Eric Sobolewski

3:00 PM


Health Sciences


Differences in Heart Rate Variability Between Position Groups During In-Season Practice Of NCAA Division I College Football

Madeline East
Jonathan Duke
Darius Morehead
Eric Sobolewski

3:00 PM


Health Sciences


Does Running Power drift During Steady State Running?

Mason Coppi

3:00 PM


Health Sciences


Electrocardiographic Findings Between Younger and Older Active Men

Jacques Evangelister
Jeffrey Fann
Chris Washington

3:00 PM


Health Sciences


Electrocardiographic Findings Between Younger and Older Active Women

Katty Weymouth
Katie Hicks
Mary Morrow

3:00 PM


Health Sciences


Table 2: Public Health/Health Sciences

Fighting Food Insecurity in Greenville

Sean Thompson

3:00 PM

PAC Hallway

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Gastrocnemius Muscle Architecture Differences Between Males And Female Cross Country Runners

Caitlin Mason
Jaquelyn Crow
Eric Sobolewski

3:00 PM


Health Sciences


Table 19: Prisma (formerly GHS)

Greenville Healthcare System Center for Integrative Oncology and Survivorship Internship

Barrie Clark
Marie Smith

3:00 PM

PAC Hallway

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Table 2: Public Health/Health Sciences

Health Education Through Gardening: Fighting Food Insecurity and Promoting Nutrition

Colleen Christensen

3:00 PM

PAC Hallway

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Impact of 45 Minutes of Daily Physical Education on Body Composition of Underserved Middle School Youth

Caroline Stanton

3:00 PM


Health Sciences


Table 19: Prisma (formerly GHS)

Kidnetics - GHS

Morgan Reynolds

3:00 PM

PAC Hallway

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Table 2: Public Health/Health Sciences

Life and Lessons on Hopi

Emma Wetenhall

3:00 PM

PAC Hallway

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Table 19: Prisma (formerly GHS)

LiveWell Greenville

Joanne Timberlake

3:00 PM

PAC Hallway

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Table 2: Public Health/Health Sciences

Making Collective Impact Ethical

Nyrobi Tyson

3:00 PM

PAC Hallway

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Table 8: Community Service/Public Safety

Momentum Bike Clubs

Isabel Wildgen

3:00 PM

PAC Hallway

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Table 2: Public Health/Health Sciences

My Summer Experience on the Hopi Reservation

Hannah Metwally

3:00 PM

PAC Hallway

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Post-Game Biomechanical Fatigue Effects in Female Soccer Players

Olivia Kilbourne
Christopher Mills

3:00 PM


Health Sciences


Project RETAIN: Analysis of Retention Clinic for HIV-Infected Cocaine Users

Katheryn Peterson

3:00 PM


Health Sciences


Quadriceps Muscle Architecture Differences Between Males and Female Cross Country Runners

Julia Cianci
Jaquelyn Crow
Eric Sobolewski

3:00 PM


Health Sciences


Table 19: Prisma (formerly GHS)

Roger C. Peace GHS

Erin O'Hearn

3:00 PM

PAC Hallway

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Table 17: Medical/Healthcare

Summer in San Jose

Elizabeth Melton

3:00 PM

PAC Hallway

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Table 1: Poverty Studies

The Foodbank of South Jersey

Halie Ziobron

3:00 PM

PAC Hallway

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Table 8: Community Service/Public Safety

TR Cares

Kamra Solomon

3:00 PM

PAC Hallway

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Understanding Tobacco Use, Exposure, and Solution Through the Clinical Effort Against Secondhand Smoke Exposure Intervention

Amani Bright

3:00 PM


Health Sciences


Using County Health Variables to Explain White American's Racial Biases Towards Black Americans

Brittany Wright

3:00 PM


Health Sciences


Variability in Heart Rate Measures Across an In-Season Practice Of NCAA Division I College Football

Jonathan Duke
Darius Morehead
Madeline East
Eric Sobolewski

3:00 PM


Health Sciences


4:00 PM

Active Green Space Use & Perceived Stress amongst University Students: Differences by Gender, Major, & Graduation Year

Noelle Best

4:00 PM


Health Sciences


Air Pollution Exposure and Autism

Amani Bright
Lauren Heimberg
Jennifer Stephenson
Brittany Wright

4:00 PM


Health Sciences


Daily Physical Education's Impact on Aerobic Capacity in Underserved Middle School Youth

Parker Cecil
Chase Shaner

4:00 PM


Health Sciences


Fitness equipment estimates of Caloric expenditure; accurate?

Mary Morrow
Barrie Clark
Haley Brummett

4:00 PM


Health Sciences


Folic Acid Intake and Autism

Colleen Christensen
Brooke Kritikos
Sean Thompson

4:00 PM


Health Sciences


Is Perceived Cardiovascular Risk Associated with Biochemical Markers or Self-Rated Health Among College-Aged Adults?

Haley Park

4:00 PM


Health Sciences


Oral Contraceptive Use and Birth Defects

Caroline Baer
Jada Lee
Katheryn Peterson
Emma Wetenhall

4:00 PM


Health Sciences


Reliability of the BodPod

Katty Weymouth
Tierra Hodges

4:00 PM


Health Sciences


Reliability of the Stryd Power Meter to Model Metabolic Cost of Level, Sub-maximal Running

Jonathan Duke
Griffin Jayne

4:00 PM


Health Sciences


The Impact of Game Fatigue on Leg Power Measurements in Division 1 Women’s Soccer Athletes

Stephen Parsons

4:00 PM


Health Sciences


The impact of handrail holding on Caloric expenditure during treadmill walking

Madeline East
Joanne Timberlake
Noah Turnley

4:00 PM


Health Sciences


The metabolic difference between treadmill running and free range running

Bret Huebner
Erin O'Hearn
Caitlyn Reilly
Alexander Whyte
Katie Hicks

4:00 PM


Health Sciences


Track vs. Treadmill for Estimation of Aerobic Fitness

Donavan Perryman
Anthony Marino
Haylee Harford

4:00 PM


Health Sciences


Validity of the Stryd Power Meter to Model Metabolic Power of Transport

Mason Coppi
Jake Ogden

4:00 PM


Health Sciences
