Furman University Scholar Exchange - Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference (MIFLC): 13. Germanic Studies: The Holocaust and its Aftermath

13. Germanic Studies: The Holocaust and its Aftermath


Emily Krauter, Furman University

Start Date

7-10-2021 4:00 PM

End Date

7-10-2021 5:15 PM

Presentation Titles

“Jewish Voices from the Land of the Beech Trees: The Writings of Margit Bartfeld-Feller and Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger.”
Sonja Hedgepeth, Middle Tennessee State University

“From Modernity to Degeneracy: Recontextualizing Ernst Ludwig Kirchner’s New Woman.”
Damon Reed, Virginia Commonwealth University

“Remnants of Antschel: Visions of Paul Celan in 21st-Century Spanish Poetry.”
Paul Cahill, Pomona College

Publication Date


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Oct 7th, 4:00 PM Oct 7th, 5:15 PM

13. Germanic Studies: The Holocaust and its Aftermath
