Furman University Scholar Exchange - Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference (MIFLC): 14. French Studies III: Female Bodies, Voices and Constraints

14. French Studies III: Female Bodies, Voices and Constraints


Sarena Tien, Cornell University

Start Date

7-10-2021 4:00 PM

End Date

7-10-2021 5:15 PM

Presentation Titles

“Pierre Loti, Paul Gauguin and the female body: tales of entitlement.”
Lúcia Flórido, The University of Tennessee at Martin

“Isabelle Eberhardt, une voix féminine retrouvée.”
Monica Garoiu, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

“La chasteté et la transgression dans le discours féminin du 16e siècle.”
Andia Augustin-Billy, Centenary College of Louisiana

Publication Date

October 2021

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Oct 7th, 4:00 PM Oct 7th, 5:15 PM

14. French Studies III: Female Bodies, Voices and Constraints
