Furman University Scholar Exchange - World Conference on Natural Resource Modeling: Sustainability and Stochasticity in Ecosystem-Based Commercial Fisheries Management

Sustainability and Stochasticity in Ecosystem-Based Commercial Fisheries Management


Leif Kristoffer Sandal


Single-species management may take some account of interspecies effects but not in a synchronized, dynamic fashion. Economic interactions play a crucial role in creating the overall fishing pressure on commercially important species. Single-species management in multispecies fisheries ignores the ecological as well as the economic relationships among species. This may generate misleading results and policy errors that cause stocks to be over- or under-exploited.

In this work, the aim has been to use Operational Research to account for sustainability in a stochastic, multi-species fisheries management model. First, we have derived the feedback harvest policy in the multispecies predator-prey model, where we have shown how the interaction and stochasticity affect the optimal policy at any combinations of the predator and prey populations. Second, we have calculated the synergetic states conditioned on the first best harvest policy and determined the optimal evolution patterns for any combination of the to the predator-prey biomass levels.


Commercial Fisheries

Start Date

6-15-2016 2:40 PM

End Date

6-15-2016 3:00 PM


High Country Conference Center

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Jun 15th, 2:40 PM Jun 15th, 3:00 PM

Sustainability and Stochasticity in Ecosystem-Based Commercial Fisheries Management

High Country Conference Center

Single-species management may take some account of interspecies effects but not in a synchronized, dynamic fashion. Economic interactions play a crucial role in creating the overall fishing pressure on commercially important species. Single-species management in multispecies fisheries ignores the ecological as well as the economic relationships among species. This may generate misleading results and policy errors that cause stocks to be over- or under-exploited.

In this work, the aim has been to use Operational Research to account for sustainability in a stochastic, multi-species fisheries management model. First, we have derived the feedback harvest policy in the multispecies predator-prey model, where we have shown how the interaction and stochasticity affect the optimal policy at any combinations of the predator and prey populations. Second, we have calculated the synergetic states conditioned on the first best harvest policy and determined the optimal evolution patterns for any combination of the to the predator-prey biomass levels.