Modern Languages and Literatures Events | Browse by Department (2015)

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Tuesday, April 14th
10:30 AM

A corpus-based investigation of no saber si:Revisiting the analysis

Alecia Nichols

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM


Modern Languages and Literatures

Poster (tri-fold)

Engaging Spanish Culture: Reports from Madrid 2014

A Growing Problem: Child Obesity in Spain

Sarah Clark

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

Engaging Spanish Culture: Reports from Madrid 2014

Crossing the Atlantic: International Relations between Spain and Latin America

Catherine Hinshaw

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

Engaging Spanish Culture: Reports from Madrid 2014

Excalibur's Sacrifice: Questioning Animals Rights in Spain

Annie Jestus

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

Engaging Spanish Culture: Reports from Madrid 2014

Modern (Spanish) Family: New Trends in Contemporary Spain

Alice Hall

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

Engaging Spanish Culture: Reports from Madrid 2014

Painted Walls: Living Through Graffiti in Madrid

Brooks Terry

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

1:00 PM

Adult Learning Center (Spartanburg, SC)

Annie Brasington

1:00 PM - 2:20 PM


Modern Languages and Literatures

Poster (tri-fold)

United Way of Greenville County

Catherine Hinshaw

1:00 PM - 2:20 PM


Modern Languages and Literatures

Poster (tri-fold)

2:30 PM

Canadian American Business Council (Washington, D.C.)

Lee Bolton

2:30 PM - 3:50 PM


Politics and International Affairs

Poster (tri-fold)

Canadian Parliament

Harrison de Vigneir-Awad

2:30 PM - 3:50 PM


Modern Languages and Literatures

Poster (tri-fold)

DE Global Limited, Management Consulting (Shanghai, China)

Sarah Walsh

2:30 PM - 3:50 PM


Modern Languages and Literatures

Poster (tri-fold)

Digital Strategist Intern at Community Journals

Lena Pringle

2:30 PM - 3:50 PM


Communication Studies

Poster (tri-fold)

Tuesday, April 12th
9:00 AM

Internship at Outside Hilton Head

Olivia Baddley

9:00 AM - 10:20 AM


Business and Accounting

Poster (tri-fold)

Fall Study Away in Madrid 2015 Research projects

Prostitution in Spain

Rebecca Lankford

9:00 AM - 10:20 AM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Fall Study Away in Madrid 2015 Research projects

Public opinion and policy on animal cloning in Spain

Alecia Nichols

9:00 AM - 10:20 AM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Fall Study Away in Madrid 2015 Research projects

The Role of Religion in Contemporary Spanish Society

Meghan Althoff

9:00 AM - 10:20 AM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Fall Study Away in Madrid 2015 Research projects

The Spanish Monarchy of Today; La Monarquía de Hoy

Alana Parish

9:00 AM - 10:20 AM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

10:30 AM

Engaging with Hispanic Communities: Cultural and Professional Lessons in Greenville and Abroad

Diversity of the Hispanic Population in Greenville, South Carolina

Meg Demaar
Haley Lyman
Alice Navarro
Ellie Williams

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM

Furman Hall 214 (McEachern)

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Engaging with Hispanic Communities: Cultural and Professional Lessons in Greenville and Abroad

Hispanic Alliance

Annie McAlister

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM

Furman Hall 214 (McEachern)

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Engaging with Hispanic Communities: Cultural and Professional Lessons in Greenville and Abroad

How Does Neighborhood Focus Help Children of Latin American Backgrounds Assimilate to US Culture?

Becca Bosch
Gabby Haddad
Evan Jager
Sarina Basile
Libby Robinson

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM

Furman Hall 214 (McEachern)

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Engaging with Hispanic Communities: Cultural and Professional Lessons in Greenville and Abroad

Manos abiertas, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Brock Baker

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM

Furman Hall 214 (McEachern)

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Engaging with Hispanic Communities: Cultural and Professional Lessons in Greenville and Abroad

Neighborhood Focus

Carolyn Hartung

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM

Furman Hall 214 (McEachern)

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Engaging with Hispanic Communities: Cultural and Professional Lessons in Greenville and Abroad

Recursos para los nuevos immigrantes hispanos en Berea

Bree Burnette
Madi Lachance
Sun Lee
Lizbeth Gonzalez
Hannah Dubois

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM

Furman Hall 214 (McEachern)

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Engaging with Hispanic Communities: Cultural and Professional Lessons in Greenville and Abroad

Religious life of Hispanics living in Greenville- Catholicism and Protestantism

Megan Kelly
Casey Wood
Raj Ghosh
Olivia Smith

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM

Furman Hall 214 (McEachern)

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Engaging with Hispanic Communities: Cultural and Professional Lessons in Greenville and Abroad

"Serve and Empower": How Greenville County Schools and Programs are Reaching the Needs of First-Generation Hispanic Immigrant Students

Maria Bartlett
Parker Cecil
Matt Hogg
Jose Cruz
McKenna Luzyinski

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM

Furman Hall 214 (McEachern)

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

12:00 PM

Hispanic Food Tasting

Angeli Leal
maria rippon

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Modern Language Center; Furman Hall 226

Modern Languages and Literatures


1:00 PM

Internship at Whitmer & Worrall in Washington, DC

Catherine Hinshaw

1:00 PM - 2:20 PM


Politics and International Affairs

Poster (tri-fold)

2:30 PM

Canadian Parliament

Sarah Dunn

2:30 PM - 3:50 PM


Politics and International Affairs

Poster (tri-fold)

Internship at Module Media (London, England)

Ally Karasik

2:30 PM - 3:50 PM


Communication Studies

Poster (tri-fold)

Tuesday, April 4th
9:00 AM

Internships in Spanish

Improving Health Access: An Internship with the Hispanic Alliance

Kayla Wiles

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Internships in Spanish

Medical Interpreting

Lizabeth González

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Internships in Spanish

My First Steps into the Real World

Nomonde Gila

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Internships in Spanish

Servicio en la Fundación El Arenal: A Summer in Ecuador

Sarah Luke

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

The 2017 French Presidential Election: Students' Mock Party Platforms, Logos, and Campaign Ads

The 2017 French Presidential Election: Students' Mock Party Platforms, Logos, and Campaign Ads (session conducted in French)

Virginia Britt
Annie Curtiss
Kim Debacher
Eden Dukes
Mary Sinclair Filchak
Cate Harmon
Theresa Lunsford
Cesi Martinez
Robert Meyer
Kristen Rafuse
Meredith Stickels
Jeff Tonge
Olivia Walters
Emma Waters

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 110

Modern Languages and Literatures


Internships in Spanish

Working with Neighbors Down the Road and Across the Sea

Sunyeop Lee

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation


Gabrielle Haddad

9:00 AM


Modern Languages and Literatures

Poster (tri-fold)

10:30 AM

Engaging Spanish Culture: Reports from Madrid 2016

Adoption Trends in Modern Spain

Maria Bartlett

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Engaging Spanish Culture: Reports from Madrid 2016

Eating Disorders in Spain

Jennifer Coggins

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Engaging Spanish Culture: Reports from Madrid 2016

Prostitution: An Ongoing Debate in Spanish Society

Ellie Williams

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

French Architecture in Context

The Château of Chenonceaux

Ansley Rapson

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 110

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

French Architecture in Context

The Château of Vaux-le-Vicomte

Bailey Verreault

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 110

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

French Architecture in Context

The Pont du Gard

Anna Doremus

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 110

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

French Architecture in Context

The Royal Château at Blois I

Claire Pullan

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 110

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

French Architecture in Context

The Royal Château at Blois II

Alyx Labbé

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 110

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Engaging Spanish Culture: Reports from Madrid 2016

The Spanish LGBTQ Community: A Success Story with Room for Improvement

Kathleen Marsh

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

12:00 PM

Hispanic Food Festival

Hispanic Food Festival

Sigma Delta Pi
Spanish Language House

12:00 PM

Modern Language Center (FH 226)

Modern Languages and Literatures


1:00 PM

The Importance of Bilingualism: Public Service Announcements Movie Premiere

“Build bridges, not walls”

Mckenna Luzynski
Hannah Woodson

1:00 PM

Burgess Theatre; Trone Center

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Internships in French: Musée Marmottan Monet (Paris) and World Relief (Spartanburg)

Conducting Art Historical Research at the Musée Mormottan in Paris, France

Plicca Watt

1:00 PM

Furman Hall 110

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

The Importance of Bilingualism: Public Service Announcements Movie Premiere

“Deal with it”

Alex Forrest
Alana Parish
Johnsen Xu

1:00 PM

Burgess Theatre; Trone Center

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

The Importance of Bilingualism: Public Service Announcements Movie Premiere

“More than a GER”

Kaeli Czosek
Alexandra Doxey
Alex Murdoch

1:00 PM

Burgess Theatre; Trone Center

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Internships in French: Musée Marmottan Monet (Paris) and World Relief (Spartanburg)

Providing Interpreting and Translation Services for World Relief in Spartanburg, SC

Emma Waters

1:00 PM

Furman Hall 110

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

The Importance of Bilingualism: Public Service Announcements Movie Premiere

“Race to bilingualism”

Brennan Barry
Jennifer Coggins

1:00 PM

Burgess Theatre; Trone Center

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

The Importance of Bilingualism: Public Service Announcements Movie Premiere

“The benefits of hiring bilingual teachers”

Hannah Dubois
Gema Hevia
JK McAvoy

1:00 PM

Burgess Theatre; Trone Center

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

The Importance of Bilingualism: Public Service Announcements Movie Premiere

“The problem is us”

Haley Lyman
Taylor Thomas
Ellie Williams

1:00 PM

Burgess Theatre; Trone Center

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

The Importance of Bilingualism: Public Service Announcements Movie Premiere

“The value of language classes: Communication on the playground”

Becca Bosch
Susannah Lauber
Kate Wilson

1:00 PM

Burgess Theatre; Trone Center

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

2:30 PM

Living the Furman Advantage: The United Way-Furman University Grant Project

Living the Furman Advantage: The United Way-Furman University Grant Project

Sebastián Barbosa
Alex Forrest
Michael Robinson
Katy Waters

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Tuesday, April 10th
10:00 AM

Building Collective Capacity to Bridge Cultures: Signature Programs of the Hispanic Alliance

Building Collective Capacity to Bridge Cultures: Signature Programs of the Hispanic Alliance

Susannah Lauber
McKenna Luzynski
Dina Estrada

10:00 AM

Furman Hall 229

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Psychology Research

Communication Development Lab, Northeastern University

Aishwarya Tripathi

10:00 AM

Johns Hall 212


Individual Oral Presentation

Versailles Study Away French Architecture Projects I

Discovering the Galleries of France through the Ages

Caroline Gravely

10:00 AM

Furman Hall 106

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Mathematics Summer Experiences - I

Exploring Math’s Role in the Public Health Realm: Reflections on the Summer Institute in Biostatistics at Emory University

Maria Bartlett

10:00 AM

Riley Hall 107


Individual Oral Presentation

Engaging Spanish Culture: Reports from Madrid 2017

Fast vs. Slow: A Focus on the Mediterranean Diet

Madeline East

10:00 AM

Furman Hall 110

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Versailles Study Away French Architecture Projects I

Gargoyles: Behind the Frightening Faces of France's Cathedrals

Catherine McLaughlin

10:00 AM

Furman Hall 106

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Engaging Spanish Culture: Reports from Madrid 2017

Immigration: Common Threads of a Major Topic in Spain and the United States

Shania Gaspard

10:00 AM

Furman Hall 110

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Literary Re-Creations

Literary Re-Creations

Carter Overbey
Kelsey Reeder
Emme Barbour
Emily Dotson
Emory Gordon
Lessli Martinez
Will Przedpelski

10:00 AM

Furman Hall 214; McEachern Lecture Room

Modern Languages and Literatures


Literary Re-Creations

Literary Re-Creations

Sydney Hutchinson
Morgan Katzer
Emma Link
Margaret Moloney
Madeline Mullins
Erik Ortiz
Evan Myers

10:00 AM

Furman Hall 214; McEachern Lecture Room

Modern Languages and Literatures


Literary Re-Creations

Literary Re-Creations

Emily Carpenter
Brianna Edens
Jillian Eisel
Madison Gattis
Maria Guerra-Velasquez
Kathryn Ott
Lainie Morris

10:00 AM

Furman Hall 214; McEachern Lecture Room

Modern Languages and Literatures


Engaging Spanish Culture: Reports from Madrid 2017

Spain's Push Towards Bilingualism: Necessary or Overzealous?

Julia Castanet

10:00 AM

Furman Hall 110

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Versailles Study Away French Architecture Projects I

The Impact of Status on a Monastery's Development

Asher Flanagan

10:00 AM

Furman Hall 106

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Versailles Study Away French Architecture Projects I

The Symbolism of Royal Staircases

Kristen Rafuse

10:00 AM

Furman Hall 106

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Engaging Spanish Culture: Reports from Madrid 2017

Zara: Spain's Trademark Empire

Nomonde Gila

10:00 AM

Furman Hall 110

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

11:15 AM

Versailles Study Away French Architecture Projects II

Beauty Beyond Time: A Comparison Between the Musée d'Orsay and the Louvre

Eden Dukes

11:15 AM

Furman Hall 106

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Versailles Study Away French Architecture Projects II

Books in Stone: Reading the History of France in its Architecture

Luke Amick

11:15 AM

Furman Hall 106

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Psychology Internship Session 2

Communication Development Lab, Northeastern University

Aishwarya Tripathi

11:15 AM

Johns Hall 208


Individual Oral Presentation

Versailles Study Away French Architecture Projects II

Doorways to Beauty: A Comparison of the Entrances to the Sacré-Cœur in Paris and the Basilica of Notre-Dame of Fourvière in Lyon

Mary Sloan Morris

11:15 AM

Furman Hall 106

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Interdisciplinary Research Presentations Group 2

Medio Cine/Through a Cinematic Lens: Translating Mexican Poet Alberto Blanco

Maria Bartlett

11:15 AM

Furman Hall 118

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Reflections on an Author's Interview

Reflections on an Author's Interview

Michael Anthony
Emily Cameron
Haley Floyd
Sarah Foster
Lizbeth Gonzalez
Kathleen Marsh
Sarah Mixon
Daniyal Roshan
Sarah Smith
Ellie Williams
Casey Wood

11:15 AM

Furman Hall 214; McEachern Lecture Room

Modern Languages and Literatures


Versailles Study Away French Architecture Projects II

The Evolution of Stairs in France

Olivia Quick

11:15 AM

Furman Hall 106

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

1:15 PM

Interdisciplinary Internship Panel

Communications Internship with Rock Hill School District

Whitney Maness

1:15 PM

Plyler Hall 126; Patrick Lecture Room

Modern Languages and Literatures

Oral Panel Presentation

Interdisciplinary Internship Panel

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Academic Healthcare

Chelsea McKelvey

1:15 PM

Plyler Hall 126; Patrick Lecture Room

Modern Languages and Literatures

Oral Panel Presentation

Interdisciplinary Research Presentations Group 3

¿Me das? O ¡Dame!: Pragmatic Variation in Service Encounters in Spanish

Evan Myers

1:15 PM

Furman Hall 118

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Interdisciplinary Internship Panel

Serving Victims of Crime: South Carolina Victim Assistance Network

Ellie Williams

1:15 PM

Plyler Hall 126; Patrick Lecture Room

Modern Languages and Literatures

Oral Panel Presentation

Language Immersion in Study Away Programs

Talking the Talk: Building Linguistic and Cultural Proficiency through Study Away

Stacey Dorogy
Sarah Foster
Olivia Walters
Meredith Wettach

1:15 PM

Furman Hall 229

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

2:30 PM

Using GIS Mapping to Explore Regional Variation in Elevated Blood Lead Levels Among Children Living in South Carolina

McKenna Luzynski

2:30 PM

PAC gym

Health Sciences


3:30 PM

Drought-Resistant Spirulina Farming combats poverty and malnutrition simultaneously

Sun Lee

3:30 PM

PAC dance studio

Health Sciences


Internship with LiveWell Greenville (Greenville, SC)

Sean Thompson

3:30 PM

PAC dance studio

Health Sciences


Tuesday, April 9th
9:45 AM

Germany in America: Three Case Studies

ALDI + German Success in America: Current Practices + Its Future

Audrey Rotman
Yasmin Harrington

9:45 AM

Furman Hall 229

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

French Architecture in Context I: From Fall in Versailles 2018

Ceiling Art at Vaux-le-Vicomte and Versailles

Caroline Filston

9:45 AM

Furman Hall 207

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

French Architecture in Context I: From Fall in Versailles 2018

Ecclesiastical Architecture: Three Facades

Grace Marmaras

9:45 AM

Furman Hall 207

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

Engagement Beyond Our Borders: Chile 2018 Study Away Reflections on Contemporary South American Society.

Environmental Education in Chile

Sarah McLean

9:45 AM

Furman Hall 107

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

French Architecture in Context I: From Fall in Versailles 2018

French royal symbols

Lindsay Hammond

9:45 AM

Furman Hall 207

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

Engagement Beyond Our Borders: Chile 2018 Study Away Reflections on Contemporary South American Society.

Historical Healing: Symptoms of PTSD within Chilean Society due to Pinochet's Dictatorship

Noa Camp

9:45 AM

Furman Hall 107

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

French Architecture in Context I: From Fall in Versailles 2018

Structural Supports: Arches and Counterforts

Kevin Hoffmeister

9:45 AM

Furman Hall 207

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

French Architecture in Context I: From Fall in Versailles 2018

The Fortified Cities of Carcassonne and Rocamadour

Claire Kaplan

9:45 AM

Furman Hall 207

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

Recognizing and Embracing Our Differences - Panel with the Paladin Conversation Partners

The Importance and Impact of Cross-cultural interaction in the Furman Community

Will Przedpelski
Evan Myers

9:45 AM

Furman Hall 208

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

Engagement Beyond Our Borders: Chile 2018 Study Away Reflections on Contemporary South American Society.

The Power of Chilean Theatre: The Voice of Resistance and Memory During Pre- and Post-Dictatorship

Alexandra Doxey

9:45 AM

Furman Hall 107

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

Engagement Beyond Our Borders: Chile 2018 Study Away Reflections on Contemporary South American Society.

The Role of Obesity in Chile

Becca Bosch

9:45 AM

Furman Hall 107

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

Germany in America: Three Case Studies

The Ultimate Driving Machine - BMW's Successful Expansion into South Carolina

Curtis Wright
Aishwarya Tripathi

9:45 AM

Furman Hall 229

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

Germany in America: Three Case Studies

Top of the Food Chain - Stihl's Prominence in the United States Today: A Case Study

Damian Privat
Emily Peeler

9:45 AM

Furman Hall 229

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

11:15 AM

French Architecture in Context II: From Fall in Versailles 2018

Greek and Roman Mythology at Versailles

Maggie Hill

11:15 AM

Furman Hall 207

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

Hispanic Alliance and the Student DREAMers Alliance

Hispanic Alliance and the Student DREAMers Alliance

Brennan Barry
Julia Castanet
Alexandra Doxey

11:15 AM

Furman Hall 226

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

French Architecture in Context II: From Fall in Versailles 2018

Medieval Cities: Rocamadour and Mont St. Michel

Virginia Britt

11:15 AM

Furman Hall 207

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

French Architecture in Context II: From Fall in Versailles 2018

Staircases in French Architecture

Virginia Waters

11:15 AM

Furman Hall 207

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

Studies in Cuban and Chilean Resistance Music

Studies in Cuban and Chilean Resistance Music

Ryan Adams
Emma Carter
Parker Cecil
Smith Childs
Marina Cox
Nomonde Gila
Gabby Haddad
Matt Hogg
Erik Kraus
Will Tracy

11:15 AM

Furman Hall 229

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

French Architecture in Context II: From Fall in Versailles 2018

The French Garden as Architecture

Emma Brown

11:15 AM

Furman Hall 207

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

French Architecture in Context II: From Fall in Versailles 2018

Windows and Openings in French Architecture

Annie Curtiss

11:15 AM

Furman Hall 207

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

1:45 PM

Madrid Summer Internships

A Glimpse Inside a Spaniard: Shadowing Orthopaedic Surgeries Overseas

Catia Sleet

1:45 PM

Furman Hall 126

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

Madrid Summer Internships

Bilingualism in the Spanish Education System

Katherine Kristinik

1:45 PM

Furman Hall 126

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

Engaging Spanish Culture: Reports from Madrid 2018

Domestic Violence in Spain: Support and Legislation for Victim Aid

Morgan Katzer

1:45 PM

Furman Hall 107

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

Madrid Summer Internships

Early Childhood Education in Spain

Laura Metzger

1:45 PM

Furman Hall 126

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

Madrid Summer Internships

El modelo español de atención sanitaria/ The Spanish Model of Healthcare

María Guerra-Velásquez

1:45 PM

Furman Hall 126

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

Madrid Summer Internships

Healthcare in Spain

Tiffany Méndez

1:45 PM

Furman Hall 126

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

Madrid Summer Internships

Linguistic Development and Global Connections in the Lab

Emma Bondy

1:45 PM

Furman Hall 126

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

Engaging Spanish Culture: Reports from Madrid 2018

Mental Health in Spain

Jillian Eisel

1:45 PM

Furman Hall 107

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

Engaging Spanish Culture: Reports from Madrid 2018

Spanish Media and Daily Schedules: Two Defining Cultural Causes of Prominent Eating Disorders

Emily Carpenter

1:45 PM

Furman Hall 107

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

Madrid Summer Internships

Spanish Solidarity and European Unity: A Complicated Corrrelation

Evan Myers

1:45 PM

Furman Hall 126

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

Madrid Summer Internships

The Economic Impact of Business Culture in Spain

Carter Overbey

1:45 PM

Furman Hall 126

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

Engaging Spanish Culture: Reports from Madrid 2018

The Spanish Perspective of Human Rights shapes a World-Renowned Health Care System

Maddie Mullins

1:45 PM

Furman Hall 107

Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Organized Oral Session

3:00 PM

Table 1: Poverty Studies

Food Insecurity Census Intern

Sarah McLean

3:00 PM

PAC Hallway

Earth and Environmental Science

Individual Oral Presentation

Table 11: e-Commerce/Marketing/PR

Internship with Prosek Partners

Catherine McLaughlin

3:00 PM

PAC Hallway


Individual Oral Presentation

Table 7: Business

Internship with TestGrid

Julia Castanet

3:00 PM

PAC Hallway

Business and Accounting

Individual Oral Presentation

Table 9: DC Experience

My 2018 Summer Experience in Washington, DC

Will Tracy

3:00 PM

PAC Hallway

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Table 17: Medical/Healthcare

Operations of Business and Communication within a Rehabilitation-Therapeutic Institution

Marina Cox

3:00 PM

PAC Hallway

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Table 17: Medical/Healthcare

Perioperative Resumption of DOACs: The Mayo Experience (RESUME) Review

Emily Carpenter

3:00 PM

PAC Hallway


Individual Oral Presentation

Table 3: The David E. Shi Center for Sustainability

SCELP Coast Retreat Policy Research Fellow

Gabby Haddad

3:00 PM

PAC Hallway

Business and Accounting

Individual Oral Presentation

4:00 PM

Impact of land use change on sedimentation rates in the North Saluda Watershed

Brennan Barry

4:00 PM


Earth and Environmental Science
