Dred Scott
Albany Evening Journal Albany, New York 3-10-1857 Republican Judge Taney requests the American people to believe that the framers of the Constitution did not know their own minds. |
Dred Scott
Decision in the Dred Scott Case. Illinios State Journal Springfield, Illinois 3-14-1857 Republican the power of Congress to make all needful rules and regulations respecting the Territory was not, as the majority of the Court expressed, limited to territory belonging to the United States at the time of the adoption of the Constitution |
Dred Scott
Half a Million Citizens Disfranchised. Albany Evening Journal Albany, New York 3-10-1857 Republican The half million of men and women paralysed by the atheistic logic of the decision of the case of Dred Scott |
Dred Scott
Mr. Giddings' Letter to Mr. Benton. Ohio State Journal Columbus, Ohio 3-25-1857 Republican Thom H. Benton, in his copy-righted, Union-saving lecture, states "that the Constitution of the United States sets out with the declaration that 'slaves are property,'" to which Mr. Giddings replies in a long letter. |
Dred Scott
New-York Daily Tribune New York, New York 3-11-1857 Republican auctions of black men may be held in front of Faneuil Hall |
Dred Scott
New-York Daily Tribune New York, New York 3-12-1857 Republican our liberties may be subverted, our rights trampled upon; the spirit of our institutions utterly disregarded |
Dred Scott
Daily Pittsburgh Gazette Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 3-7-1857 Republican We cannot speak for the Republican party; but we feel free to say that it will spurn this decision |
Dred Scott
Republican Journal Columbus, Wisconsin 3-31-1857 Republican It strikes at the very vitals ofour free institutions |
Dred Scott
Illinios State Journal Springfield, lllinois 3-17-1857 Republican several of the Supreme Court Judges are getting their opinions printed privately, and have revised them to conform to the points of Judges Curtis and McLean |
Dred Scott
Illinios State Journal Springfield, Illinois 3-17-1857 Republican Yes, he has done all this, and delivered one of the most atrocious law opinions that has ever disgraced the history of the courts of civilized nations. |
Dred Scott
Illinios State Journal Springfield, Illinois 3-18-1857 Republican There is a party at Washington, evidently, which derives great comfort from this notable judgment; it is talked of as the new corner stone of slave expansion, something almost equal to a palladium of liberty. |
Dred Scott
Ohio State Journal Columbus, Ohio 4-3-1857 Republican We call the especial attention of our readers to the Report and Resolutions of the Committee of the Legislature in regard to the judicial outrage known as the opinion of the U. S. Supreme Court upon the Dred Scott case. |
Dred Scott
Opinions of the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott Case. Albany Evening Journal Albany, New York 3-7-1857 Republican It is no novelty to find the Supreme Court following the lead of the Slavery Extension party, to which most of its members belong |
Dred Scott
Shall Slavery Take Possession of the Nation, or shall Freedom Rule? Ohio State Journal Columbus, Ohio 3-11-1857 Republican Many good-natured, Union-loving men hoped that the administration of Buchanan would be an improvement upon that of Franklin Pierce. |
Dred Scott
Illinios State Journal Springfield, Illinois 3-17-1857 Republican The last thing we should anticipate from our Southern brethren would be a self-reproach that they had not been true to themselves |
Dred Scott
The Conspiracy against Freedom. Albany Evening Journal Albany, New York 3-11-1857 Republican the People will from the hour of this Dred decision, unintermittingly roll back this mixed Conspiracy |
Dred Scott
The Decision in the Case of Dred Scott. Daily Pittsburgh Gazette Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 3-7-1857 Republican We may henceforth throw to the winds the reasoning of Story and the decisions of Marshall |
Dred Scott
Albany Evening Journal Albany, New York 3-9-1857 Republican a new shackle for the North will be handed to the servile Supreme Court, to rivet upon us. |
Dred Scott
The Opinion of Chief Justice Taney Albany Evening Journal Albany, New York 3-10-1857 Republican a blot upon our National character abroad, and a long-remembered shame at home. |
Dred Scott
The Supreme Court on the Slavery Question. Illinios State Journal Springfield, Illinois 3-16-1857 Republican We give this morning an abstract of the opinions of Justice McLean and Curtis, dissenting from said decision, wherein they maintain that the Missouri Compromise is constitutional |
Dred Scott
Albany Evening Journal Albany, New York 3-19-1857 Republican Five of its nine silk gowns are worn by Slaveholders. |
Dred Scott
The U. S. Supreme Court and its Decisions. Ohio State Journal Columbus, Ohio 3-14-1857 Republican The United States Supreme Court consists of nine judges. |
Dred Scott
Ohio State Journal Columbus, Ohio 3-31-1857 Republican The official organ of Mr. Buchanan at Washington, The Union, is trying its hand at expositions of Scripture. |
John Brown
New-York Daily Tribune New York, New York 11-19-1859 Republican Brown, however, escapes being ridiculous by faith, fortitude, devotedness, and unshaken confidence in his cause and himself with which, wounded, a prisoner, his followers slain or captured, and himself condemned to death, he still adheres to his project as a feasible and rational no less than a philanthropic undertaking. |
John Brown
Albany Evening Journal Albany, New York 11-30-1859 Republican Our own belief is that he should not be executed |
John Brown
New-York Daily Tribune New York, New York 10-29-1859 Republican The Virginian Chivalry seem to be bent on proving that their Ancient Dominion was, and is, in danger of being taken away from them by foreign invasion and domestic insurrection. |
John Brown
New-York Daily Tribune New York, New York 11-25-1859 Republican It is abundantly shown by these affidavits that on the mother's side Brown belonged to a family in which insanity was hereditary. |
John Brown
New-York Daily Tribune New York, New York 10-28-1859 Republican Those who are now straining every nerve to make party capital out of Old Brown, are careful not to look back so far as to see how and why he became a monomaniac. |
John Brown
Albany Evening Journal Albany, New York 12-2-1859 Republican the mad men of the South who, to bolster up Slavery, are ready to abrogate the most sacred rights guaranteed to a free people. |
John Brown
New-York Daily Tribune New York, New York 10-18-1859 Republican A most extraordinary telegraphic bulletin startled the whole country yesterday -- one importing that an Insurrection had just broken out at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, and that it was the work of negroes and Abolitionists! |
John Brown
New-York Daily Tribune New York, New York 10-19-1859 Republican The Insurrection, so called, at Harper's Ferry, proves a verity. |
John Brown
New-York Daily Tribune New York, New York 10-26-1859 Republican Rather than be complimented in this back-handed style, we imagine that the military would have preferred not to have been mentioned at all. |
John Brown
Daily Pittsburgh Gazette Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 12-3-1859 Republican millions of curses were uttered against the hellish system which so mercilessly and ferociously cried out for his blood. |
John Brown
Chicago Press and Tribune Chicago, Illinois 12-2-1859 Republican The man's heroism which is as sublime as that of a martyr |
John Brown
Boston Evening Transcript Boston, Massachusetts 10-24-1859 Republican the panic Mr. Brown with his handful of deluded followers created in Maryland and Virginia was not at all creditable to the people or authorities of the vicinity. |
John Brown
New-York Daily Tribune New York, New York 10-25-1859 Republican we do not see how they could be demanded for trial in Virginia. |
John Brown
The Martyr's Death and the Martyr's Triumph New-York Daily Tribune New York, New York 12-9-1859 Republican no pull quote designated |
John Brown
Chicago Press and Tribune Chicago, Illinois 10-26-1859 Republican The Slaveholders have evenless confidence in the "patriarchal tenure"than the "Abolitionists." |
John Brown
Daily Pittsburgh Gazette Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 11-30-1859 Republican Free speech is now denied at the South. |
John Brown
Chicago Press and Tribune Chicago, Illinois 10-22-1859 Republican In all this they are assisted by the bogus Democratic party. |
John Brown
New-York Daily Tribune New York, New York 10-27-1859 Republican The slave-statutes of Virginia are but legislated, enacted, concrete fright. |
John Brown
Where the Responsibility Belongs. Chicago Press and Tribune Chicago, Illinois 10-20-1859 Republican The Democratic party, however proposes toincrease the chances for insurrection, bloodshed and all the horrors of servile war, by extending the area of slavery indefinitely and by re-opening the African slave trade. |
John Brown
New-York Daily Tribune New York, New York 11-12-1859 Republican the champion of the slaveholding class will put to death the champion of the slave. |
Sumner Caning
Ohio State Journal Columbus, Ohio 5-30-1856 Republican The South boasts all the Chivalry: |
Sumner Caning
Ohio State Journal Columbus, Ohio 5-28-1856 Republican The Statesman has at last spoken. |
Sumner Caning
Ohio State Journal Columbus, Ohio 5-23-1856 Republican Read the telegraphic despatches from Washington. |
Sumner Caning
Illinios State Journal Springfield, Illinois 6-2-1856 Republican All, without regard to political affinities execrate and denounce the assault upon Senator Sumner by Mr. Brooks of South Carolina, as cowardly and unwarrantable. |
Sumner Caning
Albany Evening Journal Albany, New York 5-24-1856 Republican Mr. Sumner was writing unsuspectingly and busily at his desk when attacked by Brooks. |
Sumner Caning
Illinios State Journal Springfield, Illinois 6-16-1856 Republican Senator Butler concluded his remarks, in reply to Mr. Sumner'sspeech, by claiming he had convicted Sumner of error, misrepresentation and calumny. |
Sumner Caning
From the St. Louis Evening News: A Difference of Opinions Illinios State Journal Springfield, Illinois 6-7-1856 Republican On the whole the Mercury concludes that the negro demonstration is a "spectacle as disgusting as it is novel -- offensive to every sentiment of South Carolina society, and calculated to bring ridicule and disgrace upon the whole movement." We think so, too. |
Sumner Caning
Portland Advertiser Portland, Maine 6-6-1856 Republican The manner in which the deed has been defended in Congress and its perpetrator so shamefully applauded by the Southern press, has strengthened and prolonged the indignant response of our people. |
Sumner Caning
Daily Pittsburgh Gazette Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 6-11-1856 Republican the club is to be the substitute for debate |
Sumner Caning
Ohio State Journal Columbus, Ohio 6-4-1856 Republican The indignation meeting held at Brooklyn was an ovation: The Mayor presided. |
Sumner Caning
Illinios State Journal Springfield, Illinios 6-21-1856 Republican [pointing finger] P.S.Brooks is talked of as the next Democratic candidate for Governor of South Carolina. And on the same principle, we presume, that Herbert will be the next Democratic candidate for Governor of California. |
Sumner Caning
Boston Atlas Boston, Massachusetts 5-23-1856 Republican the mouths of the representatives of the North are to be closed by the use of bowie-knives, bludgeons, and revolvers. |
Sumner Caning
Boston Atlas Boston, Massachusetts 5-24-1856 Republican The Boston Courier did not see fit to join yesterday morning in the unqualified rebuke which the assault upon Mr. Sumner elicited from almost every Boston newspaper. |
Sumner Caning
Boston Atlas Boston, Massachusetts 6-3-1856 Republican the Democratic party has kindled its flames; that if fanaticism has taken a new lease of life, that life was breathed into it by Pierce and Douglas and their fellow conspirators |
Sumner Caning
Portland Advertiser Portland, Maine 6-4-1856 Republican The fault was not with our citizens, but with those who directly and indirectly lent their countenance to the ruffianly conduct of Brooks. |
Sumner Caning
Albany Evening Journal Albany, New York 5-31-1856 Republican As there have been political crimes in all ages, so there have been in all ages Doughfaces to defend them. |
Sumner Caning
Albany Evening Journal Albany, New York 6-5-1856 Republican they take upon themselves the unnecessary odium of being the opponents of Freedom of Debate. |
Sumner Caning
New York Times New York, New York 5-23-1856 Republican The most fastidious reader will search in vain for anything which could give the slightest color of just provocation for the brutal outrage of Brooks. |
Sumner Caning
New-York Daily Tribune New York, New York 5-23-1856 Republican No meaner exhibition of Southern cowardice -- generally miscalled Southern chivalry -- was ever witnessed. |
Sumner Caning
New-York Daily Tribune New York, New York 5-24-1856 Republican a more vivid, if not a wholly original perception, of the degradation in which the Free States have consented for years to exist. |
Sumner Caning
Ohio State Journal Columbus, Ohio 5-23-1856 Republican [Pointing Finger] The telegraphic despatches to-day will be read with interest. |
Sumner Caning
Ohio State Journal Columbus, Ohio 5-24-1856 Republican [Pointing Finger] The reader will not fail to look at the Telegraphic head for the latest news from Washington. |
Sumner Caning
Ohio State Journal Columbus, Ohio 5-26-1856 Republican [Pointing Finger] Our exchanges are teeming with accounts of the state of affairs at Washington and in Kansas, and commentaries thereon. |
Sumner Caning
Ohio State Journal Columbus, Ohio 5-27-1856 Republican [Pointing Finger] The Louisville Journal speaks of the disgraceful outrage in the Senate chamber in a spirit of just condemnation, although it thinks Mr. Sumner ought to be punished "for his incendiary harangues." |
Sumner Caning
Ohio State Journal Columbus, Ohio 6-2-1856 Republican [Pointing Finger] If one thing more than another demonstrates the character of the man and the nature of the attack on Senator Sumner by Brooks, it is this -- that he could steal up unsuspectingly and attack his victim, whom he knew to be unarmed, for words spoken in debate, no way applying to him; but resorted to a challenge with Wilson, whom he knew would not accept, for words the most opprobrious directly applied to himself -- and why? |
Sumner Caning
Ohio State Journal Columbus, Ohio 6-2-1856 Republican The committee on Federal Relations in the Connecticut Legislature, recently reported the following resolutions for the consideration of the two Houses of the General Assembly, viz.: |
Sumner Caning
Ohio State Journal Columbus, Ohio 6-13-1856 Republican [Pointing Finger] Senator Butler has been giving the Senate a specimen of his drivel, in reply to Mr. Sumner's speech. |
Sumner Caning
Illinios State Journal Springfield, Illinios 6-3-1856 Republican Brooks declares upon his honor as a gentleman that he had no coajutor in his achievement in the Senate the other day. |
Sumner Caning
Illinios State Journal Springfield, Illinois 6-13-1856 Republican Mr. Sumner has the mark of Cain on his brow but it don't follow that he was Abel to defend himself. |
Sumner Caning
Daily Pittsburgh Gazette Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 5-27-1856 Republican The seat of the National government should be where freedom of speech can safely be tolerated |
Sumner Caning
Buffalo Morning Express and Daily Democracy Buffalo, New York 5-24-1856 Republican The truth is, that slavery, with its southern chivalry and northern doughfaceism, found more than a match in the oratorical powers of Sumner. They had not the ability to cope with him in debate. |
Sumner Caning
Illinios State Journal Springfield, Illinois 5-23-1856 Republican Can the north no longer raise her voice in the halls of Legislation, without being outraged and insulted? |
Sumner Caning
Illinios State Journal Springfield, Illinois 6-4-1856 Republican Every one here thought when the stand takenby Senator Wilson was made known that a rencontrewould be the immediate consequence |
Sumner Caning
Portland Advertiser Portland, Maine 6-3-1856 Republican Slavery shows its paternity of the deed by its thorough ratification. |
Sumner Caning
Illinios State Journal Springfield, Illinois 6-5-1856 Republican The only men in South Carolina who gave their efforts to the country in the Revolutionary war, were poor men, and poor men in South Carolina at this time are denied the right of sufferage, and are incapable of holding office. |
Sumner Caning
Boston Atlas Boston, Massachusetts 5-24-1856 Republican never before has the sanctity of the Senate Chamber been violated |
Sumner Caning
The Assault on Senator Sumner a Pre - Meditated Affair. Illinios State Journal Springfield, Illinois 5-27-1856 Republican It seems that the assault upon Senator Sumner, among the Nebraska men, was a pre-meditated affair, and Senator Douglas was doubtless its principal instigator. |
Sumner Caning
Daily Pittsburgh Gazette Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 5-24-1856 Republican If Southern men will resort to the fist to overawe and intimidate Northern men, blow must be given back for blow. Forbearance and kindly deportment are lost upon these Southern ruffians. |
Sumner Caning
Portland Advertiser Portland, Maine 5-24-1856 Republican We hope, for the credit of humanity, that every man in the Free States, without regard to party, will feel this outrage as a personal indignity, no less than an insult to the Free States. |
Sumner Caning
Ohio State Journal Columbus, Ohio 6-2-1856 Republican The meeting on Friday evening, at the Tabernacle, to give expression to the feelings of the commercial capital of the Nation on the outrage at Washington, is among the occurrences of the day to be noted. |
Sumner Caning
The Meeting To-Morrow Evening. Albany Evening Journal Albany, New York 6-5-1856 Republican The assault upon Senator Sumner was a National outrage. |
Sumner Caning
Portland Advertiser Portland, Maine 5-23-1856 Republican How long will the people of the Free States tamely submit to such outrages? |
Sumner Caning
Daily Pittsburgh Gazette Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 5-26-1856 Republican when even Southern papers denounce the attack as atrocious, the Pittsburgh Post, alone among all the papers of the free States, hastes to the defence of Mr. Brooks and justifies his brutal and unmanly assault upon Mr. Sumner. |
Sumner Caning
The Provocation to the Assault. Portland Advertiser Portland, Maine 5-29-1856 Republican If you would see the sure and unmistakable evidences of MEAN souls, look at the semi-apologies made in some of the Northern administration papers |
Sumner Caning
Albany Evening Journal Albany, New York 5-23-1856 Republican For the first time has the extreme discipline of the Plantation been introduced into the Senate of the United States. |
Sumner Caning
Ohio State Journal Columbus, Ohio 6-6-1856 Republican Our leading papers, and letter-writers from Washington, are expressing great surprise and indignation at the action of the Senate on the breach of privilege committed on that body by the ruffianly assault on Sumner. |
Sumner Caning
Ohio State Journal Columbus, Ohio 5-31-1856 Republican The passage on the floor of the Senate, in which Mr. Butler bore himself so courteously toward Mr. Wilson, and in which Mr. Toombs approved of mob law in regulating debate, has been sketched in our telegraphic dispatches. |
Sumner Caning
Albany Evening Journal Albany, New York 5-24-1856 Republican The record of the Revolutionary Struggle shows that South Carolina's Slavery, weakened South Carolina |
Sumner Caning
Illinios State Journal Springfield, Illinois 5-26-1856 Republican This outrage is of a piece with those in Kansas, with the additional merit of being bolder and having a more distinguished person for its victim. |